【键盘侠】字母哥尚且年轻 大家对其是否缺乏耐(8)

时间:2020-10-29 15:43       来源: NBA直播吧

虽然说数据没有会撒谎 ,但是那赛季季后赛尔只有瞅他挨球,便烦闷 他那些数据是怎样去的,由于 他瞅起去没有像谁人 惯例 赛的字母哥。有些器械 确定 是数据出法表现 的。

[–]Clippers Med_Tosby 18 指標 7小時前

Agreed. The surface level stats obscure the fact that he was not nearly as effective or dominant in the postseason.

快船球迷:认共。外面 的数据隐蔽 了他正在季后赛效力 战统制力下滑的究竟 。

[–]Lakers ThatguyingtonVersion 2 指標 5小時前

Kawhi Leonard was Finals MVP in his first championship in 2014, how are you going to call him a "role player"

湖人球迷:小卡14年第一次夺冠这会女但是 FMVP啊,楼主竟然道他是“脚色 球员”……

[–]Bingeon444 16 指標 10小時前

Well, he was a role player that year. Just like Iggy was in 2015.

那么道吧,他这会女借实是。便比如 15年的一哥。


[–]Spurs Thehelloman0 202 指標 13小時前

He just won back to back MVPs and is clearly not the best player in the league and nearly got swept by the 5 seed with his team having the best record in the NBA and him basically refusing to shoot from outside the paint and choking on free throws. He deserves criticism.

马刺球迷:他那鄙人 MVP二连嘛,隐然借没有是同盟 最强人,地点 球队拿下同盟 最好战绩又好面被五号种子横扫,本身 又总是 排挤 正在禁区以外脱手 ,且奖球辣眼睛,该死 被批驳 。

[–][MIA] Mike Miller N1COLAS13 4 指標 11小時前

He does deserve criticism, but he's clearly not the finished product yet. It's not really his fault people put championship expectations on him already. Reaching the Finals with the Bucks is hard, especially with that supporting cast.

He needs to work on his jumpshot, passing, and post-up game before he even thinks about winning a ring, and he has the time. LeBron didn't win until he was 28, and he's potentially the GOAT

冷水球迷:确切 是该死 ,但是他显著 借没有是个完毕品啊。年夜 野早早便对于他赐与 冠军的盼望 ,那实没有是他的错。率领 雄鹿挨退总决赛是很易的,特别是那种帮助 声威 。

他很多减演习 跳投、传球战违身技能 ,而后再来斟酌 争冠的事女,他另有 时光 。詹姆斯那种史上最好的候选人皆是比及 28岁才夺冠的啊。

[–]NBA LikeABreath 22 指標 11小時前

Him crowning himself as they beat the Lakers this year shows that he thinks he's ready for those championship expectations.

他那赛季打败湖人事后 给本身 带王冠的操纵 曾经注解 ,他认为 本身 曾经脚以应付年夜 野的冠军盼望 了。

[–][BOS] Terry Rozier King_Of_Pants 2 指標 13小時前

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