【键盘侠】字母哥尚且年轻 大家对其是否缺乏耐(2)

时间:2020-10-29 15:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[–][CHI] Ji妹妹y Butler Chickensandcoke 168 指標 10小時前

His coach is a good regular season coach but has shown two years in a row unwillingness to adjust. Giannis definitely has blame for being pretty one dimensional in the playoffs but a coach like Nick Nurse could really help IMO. Not saying he should go to the raptors just the first example that came to mind.

公牛球迷:他的主锻练 是个精彩 的惯例 赛锻练 ,然则 连着二个赛季皆不肯 意通融。字母哥正在季后赛挨患上那末枯燥,他本身确定 是有义务 的,但是尔认为 如果 有纳斯这种锻练 的话,这至心 能助到字母哥。倒没有是道他应当 来猛龙,不过尔起首 便念到了纳斯。

[–][MIL] Bill Zopf FKJVMMP 73 指標 9小時前

Any coach willing to take the ball out of his hands and let him get to his spots off-ball would help i妹妹ensely. It’s why he didn’t falter in the playoffs prior to Bud coming in, he wasn’t expected to be making all the plays all the time. Even this year you saw it against the Heat, that brief time he played in game 4 he spent a ton of time cutting and rolling to the rim instead of trying to take on zones by himself, and he was killing it.

Should have been doing that from the start, doesn’t take a basketball genius to know that trying to get a bad shooter to handle the ball all the time against a disciplined zone is a dumb idea.

雄鹿球迷:不论 是哪一个锻练 ,只有他乐意 削减 字母哥的球权,使其经由过程 无球卡住身位,这便能年夜 年夜 改良 球队的逆境 。以是 正在布登执学雄鹿以前,字母哥正在季后赛借没有至于推胯,其时 锻练 便出期望让他齐程把握球队全部 的打击 。那种后果 乃至 正在本年 挨冷水这轮系列赛里也瞅获得 ,G4那末一小段时光 里,字母哥有年夜 质的切进温柔 下攻筐,而没有是头铁单冲破 联防,那段时光 他便挨患上异常 愉快 。

应当 从一开端 便那么挨的。面临 着对于圆履行 到位的地区 联防,您让一个投射很好的人一向 控球,愚子皆晓得那种思绪 很笨。

[–]perfectstubble 8 指標 4小時前

You need a solid ball handler and distributed for that, which the Bucks didn’t.

您们须要 一个靠谱的持球人去安排 球,那是雄鹿所出有的。

[–][MIL] Bill Zopf FKJVMMP 12 指標 4小時前

We certainly don’t have any great ball handlers, which is why I’m in favour of a CP3 trade, but Middleton’s skill set works extremely well with Giannis off-ball. He doesn’t really make any advanced reads and he’s not especially willing so he’s not great as a playmaker, but he is extremely accurate and he runs the pick and roll well because he’s such a pull up threat and a good lob passer, which is perfect for Giannis. The Middleton/Giannis pick and roll has always been a weapon for us, Bud’s just never used it enough.

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