【键盘侠】字母哥尚且年轻 大家对其是否缺乏耐(7)

时间:2020-10-29 15:43       来源: NBA直播吧

偶才球迷:可米德我整理照样 很没有错的啊。雄鹿依附 着他战字母哥应当 是能够杀退总决赛的。并且 雄鹿年夜 体而行声威 照样 颇有深度的。不过字母哥到了季后赛,小我 输入便会跌

[–]Nets Kevin_Durant_Burner 36 指標 9小時前

Lmao, I mean Harden is exactly the same as Giannis though. Just like Giannis, Harden has a marked drop in performance every post-season and has never lead a team to the finals. Furthermore, he's had way more chances than Giannis and no success.

篮网球迷:哈哈哈哈,可尔认为 哈登也一致啊。犹如 字母哥一致,哈登往往 到了季后赛,小我 表示 便会明显 下滑,并且 也从已戴队退过季后赛。况且 他的机遇 近多于字母哥,却仍旧 一无所成。

[–]testestestestest555 63 指標 8小時前

Harden has taken his team to the conference finals before in a much more difficult west.

哈登曾经戴队退过火 区决赛佳嘛,并且 照样 正在合作年夜 很多的西部。

[–]NBA bigbeau 84 指標 11小時前

i agree. It has nothing to do with the ring. He plays bad in the playoffs. He goes from looking like a hurricane of unstoppable force to someone who can't even be on the court versus the right defenses.

If he averaged his regular season numbers or slightly less, no one would say anything about the upset in the playoffs.

尔赞成 。字母哥被喷便是由于 季后赛推胯,而没有是出夺冠。日常平凡 猛起去像一股飓风般弗成 阻拦 ,到了症结 时候 碰着 刁悍 戍守 ,乃至 皆出法上场。

凡是他正在季后赛的数据能持仄大概 稍逊于惯例 赛,这便没有会有人说长道短 。

[–]Clippers Med_Tosby 72 指標 9小時前

Would you not call the following numbers "slightly less"?

19-20 Regular Season: 29.5/13.6/5.6 on 55/30/66 in 30.4 mpg

19-20 Playoffs: 26.7/13.8/5.7 on 56/32/58 in 30.8 mpg

He was clearly worse in the playoffs and needs to find a way to elevate his game in the postseason. But he was not BAD or someone who can't even be on the court. Chill with the hyperbole.

快船球迷:上面那些数据岂非 没有是“稍逊于”吗?

19/20赛季惯例 赛场均:29.5分13.6板5.6帮,进场 30.4分钟,三项射中 率分离 为55%、30%战66%;

19/20赛季季后赛场均:26.7分13.8板5.7帮,进场 30.8分钟,三项射中 率分离 为56%、32%战58%。

他确切 是季后赛更菜,也必需 要想法 晋升 正在季后赛的表示 。但是他借出菜到“出法上场”的田地 。别瞎乌。

[–]Lockheed97 8 指標 7小時前

Stats don't lie but whenever I watched his playoff games this season, I always wonder how he got those stats because he doesn't look like the Giannis I watched in the regular season. Something is definitely off with him that the stats don't show.

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