【键盘侠】字母哥尚且年轻 大家对其是否缺乏耐

时间:2020-10-29 15:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[serious] Giannis is only 25. Why is everyone so impatient with him winning?

字母哥才25岁。为啥年夜 野不克不及 对于他的胜利 多一面耐烦 呢?

LeBron won his 1st at 27 with the Heat

Kawhi at 28 (he was the main man in Toronto, Spurs he was a role player)

KD was 28 with the Warriors

Dirk was 32 when he won in Dallas

MJ was 28 when he won his 1st ring

KG was 31 when he won in Boston

AD literally just won with LeBron at 27

Hakeem was 32 when he won his 1st in Houston

詹姆斯27岁才正在冷水拿到小我 第一个冠军,小卡是28岁(其时 正在多伦可能是王牌球星,正在马刺这会女借算脚色 球员),阿杜28岁正在懦夫夺冠,德克32岁正在达推斯夺冠,乔丹28岁才初次 拿到冠军,减内特31岁才正在波士整理夺冠,27岁的带维斯方才 随詹姆斯夺冠。

Like maybe it's just me but he still has yet to reach his prime but he's getting lambasted for not winning a ring at this point.

If he's already won 2x MVP, and he's only 25- he's going to get better so I don't know what the rush is to win if he's so young. Maybe we put expectations too high for him?

But who's to blame for that? The media? The fans? Everyone?

大概 只要尔那么以为 吧,但是他仍旧 借出到顶峰 呢,可他曾经由于 现阶段借已夺冠而被心火吞没 了。

既然他曾经MVP二连且只是才25岁,这他今后 确定 会更强的,以是 尔没有晓得为啥要慢着逼他夺冠。大概 我们对于他的盼望 太高了?

但是 那要怪谁呢?媒介?球迷?全部 人?


[–]shanmustafa 1869 指標 13小時前

it's because he's a 2 time MVP and in the playoffs he's been underwhelming

由于 他拿了二个MVP,然则 正在季后赛一向 是好能人 意。

[–]Lakers Paranoides 18 指標 8小時前

Yes the issue is not him “not winning”. The issue is he is not even close to “being close”. He is just getting eliminated before taken into consideration.

湖人球迷:是的,症结 没有正在于他“出有夺冠”。而是他连“靠近 胜利 ”皆好患上老近。借出端庄 聊到他呢,他便被镌汰 了。

[–]Tantle18 7 指標 4小時前

Most overrated mvp of all time. I said it!


[–][PHI] Joel Embiid lardbiscuits 15 指標 13小時前

And because everyone knows when he wins it won't be in Milwaukee

76人球迷:并且 大家 皆晓得,他夺冠这天,早没有正在雄鹿了。

[–]Bulls Dunlocke 871 指標 13小時前

I think the bigger thing is he's had a good coach and supporting cast with no dynasties blocking him. That tends to be the barrier for other greats.

公牛球迷:尔认为 更值患上诟病的是,他有个佳锻练 战一套没有错的帮助 声威 ,而且 又出有王晨球队拦路。但是那些身分 皆是其余顶级球星胜利 路上的绊足石。

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