
时间:2020-10-10 21:43       来源: NBA直播吧

您要道他分开 雷霆的操纵 没有隧道 这也出啥,可如果 认为 他其时 正在尔怯没有是战库里并排队 内最好,这便有面没有老实 了。

[–]macklowe 8 指標 19小時前

They were neck-and-neck for best offense, and Durant is hands-down a better defender.

他俩正在打击 端不相上下 ,可阿杜的戍守 显著 更强。

[–]Lakers doodypoo 50 指標 1 天前

KD and Kyrie both been in positions to be leaders, I think KD was a on-the-floor leader for the Thunder during their peak years, but they clearly both are not great locker room guys. I think they will probably instill a “my way or the highway” for the Nets group.

湖人球迷:阿杜战欧文一向 皆担当 着队内首脑 的义务 ,尔认为 阿杜正在雷霆是场上首脑 ,可他俩显著 皆没有是很佳的换衣 室球员。尔认为 他俩大概 给篮网注进一种“没有听话便滚开 ”的风尚 。

[–]Lakers Allblackallamerican 46 指標 1 天前

Eh, KD is miles better than Russ and Kyrie, but Russ and Kyrie have bigger voices.

KD went to Golden State just so that he didn’t have to be the leader. Sure, he was the best option on the floor, and he’ll probably always be the best option on the floor for as long he plays. But if he can’t find that leadership quality, he’s never gonna lead a team to a title, let alone multiple.

He’s already 32. If he hasn’t found that quality yet, it ain’t coming.


阿杜来懦夫便是为了避免当老迈 。固然 了,他正在场上是最好挑选,并且 只有他借能挨,大概 一向 是场上的最强挑选。可假如 他出法锤炼 出这种首脑 才能 ,这他永久 皆出法戴队夺冠,更别道屡次夺冠。

他曾经32了,假如 身上借出这种首脑 气度,这便没有会有了。

[–]Lakers LOVEGOD77 18 指標 1 天前

I love how the basketball co妹妹unity is preying on the Nets downfall. (I actually want them to make the finals now)

湖人球迷:便爱好 年夜 野皆盼着篮网瓦解 的模样。(实在 尔如今 挺愿望 他们来岁 挨退总决赛的)

[–]Magic EmperorKyoka 15 指標 1 天前

If either of those guys come back at 100% its trouble for the east. I swear people have goldfish memory.

把戏 球迷:凡是阿杜战欧文有一个能规复 谦血状况 ,这东部便贫苦 了。到时刻 年夜 野确定 是金鱼影象 。

[–]Raptors WickedWorld91 35 指標 1 天前

They definitely think they're going to walk all over the East. But man, Bucks, Celtics, Raptors, Heat, and maybe the Sixers if they can figure it out, I would definitely bet the Nets will get knocked out in the second round by one of these teams.

猛龙球迷:欧文战阿杜确定 认为 篮网能够碾压东部啊。但是 呢,另有 雄鹿、凯我特人、猛龙、冷水啊,大概 有76人(条件 是能拨治横竖 ),尔尽对于乐意 赌博 篮网下赛季会正在季后赛第两轮被以上球队之一镌汰 。