
时间:2020-10-10 21:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[–][BKN] Joe Harris LinuxUbuntuOS 22 指標 1 天前

I'm not longer a Nets fan if this happens.


[–]Pelicans Im_Daydrunk 37 指標 1 天前

That seems like a big overreaction. PG is still a really good player and having him be your 3rd best player would make his off nights a lot less harmful

Nets would an absolute force if Durant is healthy

鹈鹕球迷:您那便太夸大 了吧。乔治仍然是一位精彩 的球员,让他干三当野的话,哪怕他偶然 挨患上欠好 ,对于球队的损害 也小很多啊。

假如 杜兰特康健 的话,这篮网确定 很强。

[–]aulixindragonz34 20 指標 1 天前

KD-kyrie-PG13 trio if KD is even only at 70-80% is at least ecf appearance imo,probably finals even.

阿杜、欧文战乔治的三巨子 拉拢如果 成为了的话,阿杜哪怕只要七八成的状况 ,尔认为 篮网最少也能挨退东决,乃至 是总决赛。

[–]Ronaldo Ace 19 指標 1 天前

I hate all of this type of crap that constantly goes on with discussions about the best players.

*put together great team and play great basketball and win it all*

- "it doesn't count! The team is too strong and they need all that HELP."

*be a great player on a crappy team and try do it yourself and fail*

- "Don't even discuss that player, let me know when they get some wins, first."

老是 出完出了天评论辩论 那些顶级球员,尔挺恶感那些空话 的。

如果 球队组修患上佳,挨出佳成就 夺冠了,这便是“那没有算!那个球队太强了,他们照样 患上靠副手 !”

如果 正在一收菜队挨患上佳,靠本身 拼一把成果 掉 败了,这便是“出谁人 需要 评论辩论 他,等他们能赢球了再道吧!”


[–]Gym JamJustice 4568 指標 1 天前

I guess we'll find out during his tenure as head coach of the Nets one day a week.

阿杜是司机照样 搭客 ,那患上比及 他正在篮网每一周干一天的主锻练 以后才晓得。

[–]jaytee158 23 指標 1 天前

Nash gets 3 days, KD and Kyrie get 2 each. But the only issue is that Nash's days coincide with off-days

纳什干三天,阿杜战欧文各当二天。独一 的题目 是,纳什的日子恰好 战歇息 日沉开。

[–]Raptors smeg_ 2827 指標 1 天前

Its gonna be hilarious watching KD and Kyrie inevitably collapse the moment they face a good team. Neither of them has ever been a leader. They'll eek out 50 wins, but come the 2nd round of the playoffs when they face adversity they'll collapse like the Clippers did

猛龙球迷:欧文战阿杜撞上强队便易遁一崩,那排场 瞅着确定 很可乐。他俩皆没有是当首脑 的料。他们照样 会蹭到50胜,但是到了季后赛第两轮碰到 困境 时,便会像快船一致推胯。