
时间:2020-10-10 21:43       来源: NBA直播吧

Charles Barkley - “Kevin Durant was a bus rider not a bus driver in Golden State”

NBA名宿巴克利克日 正在节目中道到KD时表现 :“杜兰特正在懦夫时代 不过一位搭客 ,而没有是司机。”


[–]Spurs Nate_Shoober 1072 指標 1 天前

"My Next Stop"


[–]youchoobtv 25 指標 1 天前

KD burner account INCOMING!


[–]Lakers cjsrhkcjs 658 指標 1 天前

why can't there be two bus drivers, one for the first 12 hours, and one for the last 12 hours.

湖人球迷:为啥便不克不及 有二名年夜 巴司机呢,一个启后面12个小时,另外一个启剩下12小时。

[–]Raptors Kizz3r 347 指標 1 天前

Well if u have 2 bus drivers it’s probably more better to do it in 6 hour shifts instead of having a dude drive 12 hour straight

猛龙球迷:如果 有二名司机,这大概 改为6小时一换更佳。

[–]Raptors definitelynotagay 10 指標 1 天前

Tom Thibodeau would like a word

猛龙球迷:锡伯杜曲吸行家 。

[–]Knicks yooorick 516 指標 1 天前

sounds like KD needs PG to be his driver

僧克斯球迷:听起去阿杜须要 乔治干他的司机哦

[–]Celtics captaing1 600 指標 1 天前

I really want the nets to get PG. I just want to see three super insecure personalities interact on the nets.

凯我特人球迷:尔借实是愿望 篮网拿下乔治。便念瞅那本性 皆极没有靠谱的哥仨正在篮网见面 。

[–][CLE] LeBron James aresman 73 指標 1 天前

I just lol'ed imagining that. The post game conferences would be gold

骑士球迷:光是念念便乐了。赛后宣布 会确定 颇有料。

[–]Nuggets Official_CIA_Account 50 指標 1 天前

PG: Hey Kyrie? Do these shoes make me look fat?

KD checks out his own shoes in the mirror.


阿杜对于着镜子瞅了瞅本身 的鞋。

[–]leesheen 170 指標 1 天前

Please Santa. For this christmas, this is what i need.

请托 了圣诞白叟 ,那便是尔本年 圣诞念要的礼品 。

[–]Cassini__ 68 指標 1 天前

Considering KD’s, Kyrie’s and PG’s contracts total 107 million and the last seasons salary cap was 109 million, sadly I don’t think it will happen. And if it does they’d probably have to lose LeVert and Dinwiddie and not be able to resign Harris and at that point it’s not worth it.

惋惜 阿杜、欧文战乔治的薪资减起去有1.07亿啊,上赛季的薪资帽便是1.09亿,尔认为 那事女成没有了。要实成为了,这篮网便患上掉 来勒维我战丁威迪,也出法战哈里斯绝约,那便没有值当了。