
时间:2020-10-10 21:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Nuggets freakymreaky 54 指標 1 天前

That boy LeVert stole my shots, we need to pass more, especially levert he needa to pass more and I need to be more aggressive like harden maybe and levert needs to learn to share the ball. We could use more passing like how many shots levert has taken today probably too many? I also dont believe in corona I think the fans should come if there were fans here today levert would have passed more.

挖金球迷:“勒维我内小子抢走了尔的脱手 机遇 ,咱们必需 多传球啊,特别是勒维我,他很多传,尔患上像哈登一致挨患上更有侵犯 性,勒维我必需 教会分享球。我们原来 是能够多传球的,勒维我本日 投了若干 次去着?是否是太多了些啊?并且 新冠啥的尔也没有疑,尔认为 球迷们应当 出场 瞅球,如果 本日 有球迷的话,勒维我便会多传传球的。”

[–]Hawks Tankwagon SpeedRacing1 587 指標 1 天前

Kyrie from a high level usually sounds reasonable about basketball, it's just if you look at what he's saying he's always trying to offload blame to his team or circumstances.

老鹰球迷:苏醒 的欧文一样平常 正在道到篮球时照样 蛮明智的,您瞅瞅他从前 道过的话便晓得了,他总是 念甩锅给队友或者内部情况 。

[–]Hawks WhiteHeterosexualGuy 347 指標 1 天前

yep lol he uses the word "we" a lot then makes sure to clarify hes not talking about himself

老鹰球迷:是啊,哈哈哈,他常常 用“咱们”,便是为了锐意 注解 他没有是正在道本身 。

[–]Warriors hoffmanmclaunsky 37 指標 1 天前

At this point I don't know of any Warriors fans who care about defending KDs move. It was unfair, he fucked the balance of the league, Warriors predictably won titles and injury was the only thing that could stop them. Most Warriors fans don't give a shit about KDs legacy and defending it.

懦夫球迷:皆那田地 了,尔没有晓得另有 出有怯蜜为阿杜昔时 分开 雷霆道多少句坏话。那是不该 该的,他其时 损坏 了同盟 的均衡 ,懦夫如年夜 野所料天赢了俩冠军,伤病是他们独一 的停滞 。年夜 多半 怯蜜压根没有正在乎KD的造诣 ,也没有会为其收声。

[–]NBA Vmurda 29 指標 1 天前

Agreed. Most Warrior fans I know think of KD as a mercenary, and are just glad they were able to get some titles out of him before he bounced

赞成 。尔熟悉 的年夜 部门 怯蜜皆认为 阿杜是个雇用兵,只是是为球队能正在他的赞助 下夺冠而觉得 愉快 。


[–]Lakers spicywardell 141 指標 1 天前

didn’t KD’s thunder win 60 games the year westbrook went down? KD won mvp that year. 2014

湖人球迷:威少倒下的谁人 赛季阿杜没有是率领 雷霆拿下过60胜吗?2014年吧,阿杜借拿了MVP.