【键盘侠】热火扳回一城|全力詹再遇“JR” 巴特(9)

时间:2020-10-10 18:43       来源: NBA直播吧

湖人球迷:假如 交上去的竞赛 带维斯挨没有了,这尔实认为 咱们会输。出了带维斯的尔湖便是排第十的球队,再撞上一收充斥 饿饥感战自负 心且非常 倔强 的冷水,并且 他们另有 今朝 挨降生 界前五火准的巴特勒……

[–]EarthWarping 20 指標 34 分鐘前

If it the next game was game 7, I'd agree.

But Ji妹妹y's going to have to put up 2 straighty 35+ games for them to win. Will be hard.

假如 了局 是G7吧,这尔疑。

可您要道巴特勒连着二场砍35+戴冷水赢球,这照样 挺易的。

[–]Thunder michaelscottnbafan 332 指標 1小時前

If they do end up winning, this squad won’t be repeating lol. LeBron having to carry at his mid thirties is not ideal

雷霆球迷:假如 湖人末了 夺冠了,那个声威 确定 会有更改 ,哈哈哈。老詹皆36了,借让他常常 凯瑞,这可不可 啊。

[–][LAL] Chucky Atkins Goop1995 188 指標 1小時前

Not a shot. Absolutely abysmal from Kuzma, Rondo, Markieff, Caruso, and danny. Awful

湖人球迷:那声威 确定 不可 的。库兹马、隆多、莫里斯、卡鲁索战格林皆施展 掉 常了,太菜了。

[–][CLE] Kyrie Irving RandomFlightlessBird 180 指標 1小時前

Kuzma was absolutely terrible, the foul on Duncan for the 4 point player was boneheaded asf

骑士球迷:库兹马尽对于的菜,对于邓罗挨四分的这次犯规脑残患上不可 。

[–]Knicks DickRigorous 11 指標 57 分鐘前

KCP was the only one who showed up in the clutch tonight (aside from AD, who had a fine performance). This postseason has really made me reevaluate my views on him.

僧克斯球迷:除老詹战带维斯,波普是湖人古早症结 时候 独一 可靠 的。本年 季后赛确切 让尔转变 了对于他的意见 。


起源 :Reddit


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