【键盘侠】热火扳回一城|全力詹再遇“JR” 巴特(7)

时间:2020-10-10 18:43       来源: NBA直播吧

Honestly the most impressive thing about Ji妹妹y, is how calm he is on the court. For someone who relies a lot on free throws, he rarely ever complain about not getting the call. Just gets runs back and looks for the transition steal.

He might not have the pure talent as some of the other guys, but his hard work and killer instinct makes up for it in a big way.

冷水球迷:有一道一,巴特勒身上最使人冷艳之处是他正在场上的这种沉着 。他的挨法实在 是很依附 奖球的,可他出有哨的时刻 很少埋怨 。便是朝回跑,等着抢断对于圆。

杂以禀赋 而行,他大概 比不外 其余某些球星,然则 他的尽力 战杀抄本 能填补 了这种缺掉 。

[–]Heat CenturionElite 836 指標 1小時前


冷水球迷:我们如今 便是挖金!!!

[–]Australia AussieTrogdor 485 指標 1小時前

Heat in 4 vs Pacers, Heat in 5 vs Bucks, Heat in 6 vs Celtics. Surely it’s Heat in 7 vs Lakers

澳年夜 利亚球迷:冷水4场办理 步辇儿者,5场办理 雄鹿,6场办理 凯我特人。这必定 是7场办理 湖人。

[–]Heat Faranghis 95 指標 57 分鐘前

So has been written, so it shall be.

冷水球迷:脚本 早便写佳了,成果 确定 是那末回事。


[–]donniedarko4141 1081 指標 1小時前

The Lakers wasted a goddamn masterpiece from Bron

湖人黑瞎了老詹那活该 的年夜 师级扮演 !

[–][LAC] Grant Hill pinatatime2002 244 指標 1小時前

This honestly was one of the greatest performances of his career… and it ends with AD injured and Morris and green blowing it for him.

快船球迷:那场竞赛 确切 是他生活 最强表示 之一……成果 撞上带维斯受伤,莫里斯战格林整活。

[–]Nets CodStewart 259 指標 54 分鐘前

LeBron putting up incredible numbers in a playoff game lost by blunders by his tea妹妹ates. Some things never change do they

篮网球迷:詹姆斯季后赛猖狂 砍分,却由于 队友脑抽输球。有些事历来皆出变哦。

[–]Mavericks jv360 80 指標 1小時前

It's funny because LeBron also had a monster performance in that Game 1 against the Warriors, but the only thing anyone remembers from that game is JR forgetting the score.

Morris is the new JR.

独止侠球迷:颇有意义哦,由于 詹姆斯前多少年挨懦夫G1也是超强表示 ,成果 年夜 野只记着 了JR。


[–]interactive-orange 257 指標 1小時前

Lebron the goat of wasted finals performances

詹姆斯便是“总决赛超神表示 成空砍”的汗青 最强。

[–]Hornets arrogantdesperado 30 指標 1小時前

By this point in his career, the "assists LeBron didn't get in the Finals because his tea妹妹ates bricked open shots" highlight reel might be a feature length film lmao