【键盘侠】热火扳回一城|全力詹再遇“JR” 巴特(4)

时间:2020-10-10 18:43       来源: NBA直播吧

Duncan Robinson is who 2020 Danny Green thinks he is

懦夫球迷:罗宾逊便是2020年格林眼中的本身 。

[–][PHI] Eric Snow gustriandos 53 指標 1小時前

the lakers defense on him tonight was the deciding factor in this game. Caruso, KCP, and kuzma all fucked up repeatedly.

76人球迷:湖人古早对于他的戍守 安排 是原场竞赛 的决议 身分 。卡鲁索、波普战库兹马齐皆翻车了。

[–]Warriors george_costanza1234 2 指標 1小時前

Duncan looked like Klay out there. He even had some good drives and assists. If he continues playing at a consistently high level, I see no reason why a Klay Thompson type isn’t his ceiling.

懦夫球迷:罗宾逊正在场上瞅着像克莱。他乃至 另有 些没有错的冲破 战帮攻。假如 他持续 那种下程度 施展 ,这尔完整 有来由 信任 ,克莱便是他的下限。

[–]Spurs jeewantha 2 指標 1小時前

Klay at his best was an All-NBA level defender. I don't think Robinson has the tools to reach that level.

马刺球迷:谦血克莱但是 赛季最好戍守 阵级其余 戍守 人哦。尔认为 罗宾逊没有具有那个前提 。


[–]Celtics DrRashfordPM 4251 指標 1小時前*

Man the battle between Lebron and Butler was legendary. Possibly a top 5 game for both players but the game as a whole was a fucking all time great battle

Miami didn’t deserve to lose in 5

凯我特人球迷:天呐,詹姆斯战巴特勒之间的对于飙可谓典范。他俩大概 挨出了各自生活 的前五表示 ,不外 那竞赛 团体 去道也特么是汗青 级的较劲 。

迈阿稀原便不应 五场被办理 。

[–]LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO101 595 指標 59 分鐘前*

Ji妹妹y is officially a superstar after this series. And to think Ji妹妹y vs Playoff Poo was a debate for years

原轮系列胜过 后,巴特勒便邪式成为超巨了!竟然另有 人认为 巴特勒vs季后尿孰强孰强的争辩 能够连续 佳多少年……

[–]Lakers T_025 106 指標 57 分鐘前

Just make game 6 a Ji妹妹y vs. Bron 1v1

湖人球迷:爽性 G6便让巴特勒战老詹单挑呗

[–]Nuggets KKrum41302 549 指標 57 分鐘前*

Butler going toe to toe with one of the best of all time was insane. He deserves mad respect (plus another triple dub)

挖金球迷:巴特勒战老詹那种汗青 顶级强人软撞软啊,太猖狂 了。他担患上起年夜 野对于他高尚 的敬意(并且 又是一个三单)。

[–]Supersonics IgnantWisdom 20 指標 1小時前

And he’s guarding LeBron and clearly their best LeBron stopper, man really leaves it all out there..

超音速球迷:而且 他借防了老詹,显著 是冷水队内最善于 防老詹的,那货实的正在场上倾尽了尽力 ……