【键盘侠】热火扳回一城|全力詹再遇“JR” 巴特(2)

时间:2020-10-10 18:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Raptors kevinseto 441 指標 53 分鐘前

honestly think it cost them the game, massive blunder by Vogel

猛龙球迷:道实的,尔认为 那个支配 让湖人拾了竞赛 ,那便是沃格我的庞大 掉 策。

[–]Heat OutlookNotGood 146 指標 47 分鐘前

Lol the funny thing was even JVG said the only negative for Spo calling a timeout at the end there was that Vogel now would be able to take Morris out of the game. Then they came back and JVG was just like "Oh....they decided to leave Morris in there....."

冷水球迷:哈哈哈,故意 思的是,乃至 连小范苦迪也道,斯波末了 嚷停息 独一 的晦气 便是沃格我无机会拿下莫里斯。成果 湖人照样 声威 稳定 ,范苦迪间接道“呃……他们决议 把莫里斯留正在场上……”。

[–][NBA] LeBron James Kashmir33 38 指標 46 分鐘前

That was actually hilarious. Like it was so fucking obvious and then I saw him standing in the middle of the huddle like he was definitely not gonna come out the game.

确切 很弄人。这特么再显著 不外 了,而后尔便那么瞅着他站正在人堆里,游离正在竞赛 以外。

[–]Rockets bigtice 2051 指標 59 分鐘前

Regardless of who you were going for, THAT is what a Finals game should be.

Morris is going to be getting killed for that last possession.

水箭球迷:不论 您支撑 谁,那种剧烈 水平 便是总决赛应有的模样。

莫里斯怕是要由于 末了 一个回开的操纵 被搞失落 。

[–]Listen Bruv 726 指標 53 分鐘前*

I think he just plain choked. Probably didn't know the time remaining and got frantic.

Also Danny Green....what the fuck dude. You had a wide open three.

Edit: My favourite moment was Morris saying "my bad" after throwing the ball out of bounds with the championship on the line. Lol.

尔认为 他便是忽然 头脑 短路了。年夜 概是没有晓得另有 若干 时光 ,一下便慌了。

另有 丹僧-格林……那货弄毛线啊。您眼前 空如年夜 海啊。

编纂 :尔最爱好 的刹时 是,莫里斯正在冠军触脚可患上时把球扔出界中以后道“尔的锅”,哈哈哈哈

[–]Celtics BroDudemon 1261 指標 1小時前



[–][TOR] Vince Carter schooli0 606 指標 1小時前

He's still a Raptor, dismantling lebronto from the inside

猛龙球迷:他仍旧 是尔龙球员,从外部崩溃 勒伦多。

[–]Mavericks RareEmeraldPepe 442 指標 46 分鐘前*

Injury report for game 6 of the NBA Finals:

Goran Dragic - Out (Foot Injury)

Kyle Kuzma - Out (Broken Jaw)

Markieff Morris - Out (Broken Jaw)

Danny Green - Out (Broken Jaw)