
时间:2020-09-24 17:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Trail Blazers ajmcgill 79 指標 1小時前

If I'm Spoelstra, I'm criticizing the refs and taking the fine even though we won because jesus christ

开辟 者球迷:要尔是斯波的话,哪怕赢球了,尔也要公然 责备 裁判、奖款也认,由于 其实 是太扯了。

[–]Raptors Raptors2017champs 187 指標 1小時前

Celtics fans no where to be found on this sub tonight


[–]Celtics lewlkewl 433 指標 1小時前

I'll be honest, if celtics won i would've stayed off /r/nba cuz the heat would've totally been robbed, particularly off that tatum offensive non call that probably would've ended the game

凯我特人球迷:坦率 道,假如 那场尔凯赢了,尔是没有会去逛服装论坛t.vhao.net的,由于 这便表示着冷水完全被阳失落 了,特别是塔图姆谁人 大概 闭幕 竞赛 的打击 犯规出吹。

[–]Celtics 6enericUsername 8 指標 1小時前

Tatum was awful in the first half.

Smart’s decisions were awful all game.

You’d think we could handle Herro but holy moly, have a day.

Refs tried to gift us the game but we blew it.

I don’t know what else we can do. Series feels over.

凯我特人球迷:塔图姆上半场挨患上太菜了,斯玛特整场竞赛 的决议计划 皆很蹩脚。您认为 咱们能对于 希罗,可实在 咱们出辙。

裁判念尽方法 助咱们赢球,咱们却浪出了。没有晓得咱们借能咋办,感到 那轮系列赛停止 了。

[–]Heat rippthethird 211 指標 1小時前

They really need to change that rule man. Even if you win the challenge it’s always jump ball

冷水球迷:同盟 实患上改正 规矩 了。哪怕您挑衅 胜利 ,也便是个跳球。

[–]shane_m_souther 137 指標 1小時前

NBA is doing everything in their power to make this game unwatchable with these insane rules. This game was so unfun to watch. No flow or anything

NBA在用尽统统 手腕 应用 那些荒谬 的规矩 让竞赛 变患上丢脸 。那场竞赛 便很丑恶 ,出有所有流利 性。

[–]Thugging _inPublic 65 指標 1小時前

What's funny is that it was unwatchable because both teams could absolutely not score. Then the Heat start turning it on but the refs step right in to make it a free throw shooting contest which makes it go right back to being unwatchable.

故意 思的是,那场竞赛 丢脸 是由于 二队皆出法患上分。背面 冷水有转机 了,裁判又站进去抢戏让两边 “奖面”,竞赛 便又开端 丢脸 了。


起源 :Reddit


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