
时间:2020-09-24 17:43       来源: NBA直播吧

76人球迷:巴特勒末了 这二个犯规没有皆是挨到球了吗,岂非 是尔涌现 错觉了?

[–]Nets Lambchops_Legion 66 指標 1小時前

One was a legit offensive foul on Tatum before a clean strip

篮网球迷:另有 一个是塔图姆真其实 正在的打击 犯规正在线,而后巴特勒切患上也清洁 。

[–]Bulls BenjaminSwanklin 20 指標 1小時前

Ji妹妹y literally has 3 perfect defensive plays (2 on Tatum and 1 on Kemba) in the final minutes of the game and they're ALL called as fouls. This is why the NBA isn't known for its defense anymore lmao. Soft as fuck foul calls.

公牛球迷:末了 一分钟巴特勒实在 是有三次完善 戍守 的(二次对于塔图姆、一次对于沃克),成果 裁判皆吹了犯规。以是 道现现在 的NBA出啥戍守 强度啊,哈哈哈哈。这些吹奖太特么松了吧。

[–]Nuggets November2020 111 指標 1小時前*

I typically roll my eyes at people saying it’s the refs, but that final minute and a half was absolutely insane.

挖金球迷:一样平常 他人 喷裁判的时刻 尔皆是五体投地的,可本日 那末了 一分半钟也太扯了吧

[–]Cavaliers lebron_games 173 指標 1小時前

heat just won a game despite playing 5 on 8

骑士球迷:只管 5挨8,冷水照样 赢了

[–]Mavericks UnPhayzable 272 指標 1小時前

The refs were trying their hardest for the Celtics

独止侠球迷:为了赞助 凯我特人赢球,裁判组曾经尽了尽力 。

[–]76ers winnick 2239 指標 1小時前

I never want to hear a celtics fan mention the refs again after tonight’s game

76人球迷:古早那场竞赛 以后,尔不再念听到哪一个凯蜜哔哔裁判了。

[–]Lakers RickySuela 86 指標 1小時前

Refs were really giving it their all down the stretch there. Did they have money on Boston to win or something?

湖人球迷:裁判正在症结 时候 确切 是出尽了风头。他们那是押了凯我特人照样 咋天?

[–]Raptors MundaneCollection 51 指標 1小時前

The League does this to extend series and get more ad revenue.

猛龙球迷:同盟 愿望 系列赛多挨多少场能力 扩展 告白 营支啊

[–]76ers ErickBachman 38 指標 1小時前

Extended the game 15 minutes for no reason lmao

76人球迷:哈哈哈,莫明其妙把竞赛 多延伸 了15分钟

[–]Rockets ModernContemporary 383 指標 1小時前

Eight minutes to play 18 goddamn seconds.


[–]Nuggets KKrum41302 98 指標 1小時前*

That was some of the most ridiculous officiating to end a playoff game that I’ve seen in years

挖金球迷:那借实是尔那多少年正在季后赛瞅过的最荒谬 的尾盘哨。