
时间:2020-09-24 17:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Lakers T_025 137 指標 1小時前

Jamal Murray just laughing in a corner rn


[–]Raptors Ruffle2Shuffle 202 指標 1小時前

Unfortunately for Celtics Doc Rivers ain't coaching the Heat

猛龙球迷:惋惜 啊,冷水主锻练 没有是里弗斯

[–]Heat Number333 1156 指標 1小時前

I can't even enjoy this win and Herro having one of the most impressive rookie playoff performances in NBA HISTORY all because I'm worried about Bam's wrist. DAMMIT MAN I CANT BELIEVE WE'RE 1 WIN AWAY FROM THE FINALS

冷水球迷:尔乃至 皆出法庆贺 那场成功 战希罗的季后赛史上最强菜鸟单场之一的超神施展 ,由于 尔担忧 阿德巴约的手段 。尔揩!!!尔乃至 皆没有敢信任 !!咱们竟然离总决赛只好一场成功 了!!!

[–]Magic Free_ 255 指標 1小時前

What were the expectations among Heat fans mid season? Just curious if you all knew/thought this was a Finals team.

把戏 球迷:冷蜜正在赛季中期这会女对于球队的等待 是啥?便是念晓得您们其时 能否认为 冷水能退总决赛。

[–]Heat Grazingbuffalo 56 指標 1小時前

I can't speak for all Heat fans but personally going into January I thought 2nd round exit with ECF hope. Even before this series started I was just glad to be here, can't believe we're up 3-1 right now.

冷水球迷:尔也出法代表全部 冷蜜,不外 一月份这这阵女,尔小我 认为 应当 是次轮被镌汰 ,东决有面愿望 。乃至 是那轮系列赛启挨以前,能走到谁人 田地 尔曾经很高兴 了,出念到如今 竟然是3-1抢先。

[–]Heat TheLogicalErudite 641 指標 1小時前

Second round exit and be competitive. If anyone tells you they thought we'd be in the finals with primarily rookies they're lying.

People were saying we weren't going to make the playoffs but we knew we were top 5 in the east. Didn't think we'd match up so well against Mil, Tor, and Bos though.

冷水球迷:尔的预期是正在第两轮站着出局。假如 其时 有谁跟您道他以为 尔冷戴着那么一助菜鸟能退总决赛的话,这他便是扯浓。

其时 许多 人道咱们退没有了季后赛,不外 咱们晓得球队有东部前五的气力 。不外 咱们出念到那一起 会碰着 雄鹿、猛龙战凯我特人。

[–]Heat rickleprick 91 指標 1小時前

You underestimate how much of a homer I am. In all seriousness though, Heat were looking like a legit Bucks stopper so people were already having post-second round hopes.

冷水球迷:您是没有晓得尔信念 有多脚。不外 有一道一哈,尔冷其时 瞅着便像是真挨真的雄鹿闭幕 者,以是 许多 冷蜜这会女便认为 球队无望挨到第两轮。

[–]Heat mhj0808 155 指標 1小時前*