
时间:2020-09-24 17:43       来源: NBA直播吧

The NBA will do anything they can to make it a Lakers / Celtics finals, but tonight Tyler Herro said "No."

Also big up to Ji妹妹y for hitting the clutch FTs at the end.

NBA为了让湖人战凯我特人挨总决赛无所不消 其极,不外 古早希罗对于他们道“没有”。

借要为凶米仔奉上 掌声,他末了 顶住压力射中 了这些症结 奖球。

[–]76ers PhillyPhan10 255 指標 1小時前

Everyday Ji妹妹y proves more and more why he made the correct decision and everyday I become more n more sad

76人球迷:巴特勒越是证实 他当时的决议 何等 准确 ,尔便越是惆怅 。

[–]Raptors -HeisenBird- 61 指標 1小時前

Sixers front office built two East contenders by letting Tatum and Ji妹妹y slip through their fingers.

猛龙球迷:76人治理 层让塔图姆战巴特勒那俩人从本身 脚里溜走,反倒挨制了二收东部争冠球队。

[–]76ers NeedsMoreJava 6 指標 1小時前

If the Heat win the Finals I will buy a Ji妹妹y Butler Heat jersey, wear it through the streets of Philadelphia, waving a sign saying he was right to leave.

76人球迷:假如 冷水夺冠了,尔便购件巴特勒的冷水球衣脱上,举着一个写有“他当时分开 是对于的”的牌子,走正在费乡的年夜 街上。

[–]Raptors The_Unknown98 38 指標 1小時前

19-8 turnover difference for the Celtics is less than ideal.

猛龙球迷:19-8的掉 偏差 距对于凯我特人去道近近不可 啊。

[–]NBA proshai_livushka 78 指標 1小時前

Celtics blunders in the last two and a half minutes:

- Tatum travels

- Give up a wide, wide, wide open three to Dragic

- Inexplicably awful turnover from Smart

末了 二分半钟凯我特人连接出错 :

塔图姆走步、任由身前空如年夜 海的德推季偶投退三分、斯玛特菜鸡到没法说明 的掉 误。

[–]Celtics Zavehi 20 指標 1小時前

Marcus just can’t help himself at times. When he’s down he will just keep chucking.

凯我特人球迷:斯玛特偶然 候便是轻易 上面。状况 高迷的时刻 ,他便一股脑天瞎扔。

[–]Celtics Zavehi 13 指標 1小時前

He can win games on his own at times with insane plays, and I always want him on the court. But when he isn’t hitting shots he almost doubles and triples down on himself at the detriment of the team.

凯我特人球迷:他偶然 候能够依附 本身 出色 的表示 戴队赢球,尔也一向 愿望 他正在场上。可当他退没有了球的时刻 ,他对于球队形成的杀伤便是日常平凡 的二倍到三倍。


[–]76ers cmeresir35 1226 指標 1小時前

Am I delusional or were both of those late Ji妹妹y fouls all ball?