
时间:2020-09-22 15:13       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]TexWinter21 64 指標 2 天前

The more I think about it. I think any top 7 player could hop on the raptors and win the championship this year or last year. But yet the media gives kawhi all the credit

尔越揣摩 便越认为 啊,不论 那赛季照样 上赛季,换干所有一个前7火准的球员来猛龙,皆能戴队夺冠。可上赛季媒介照样 把功绩 皆给了小卡。

[–][TOR] OG Anunoby IamSofakingRAW 12 指標 1 天前

I don’t think so lol. I don’t think we win with any one other than KD, Kawhi or Lebron. The defensive intensity of the semi finals and Conf Finals are something I don’t think just anyone could slot in and win. Our whole team was scared half of the Philly series and Kawhi had to carry us

猛龙球迷:呵呵,尔可没有那么以为 。假如 他没有是小卡、阿杜大概 老詹,确定 是不克不及 戴尔龙夺冠的。半决赛战分区决赛的戍守 强度可没有是随意 去小我 便能对于 的。上赛季挨76人这轮系列赛咱们齐队皆很怂,借患上靠小卡扛着走。

[–]Raptors Smalldick420 67 指標 2 天前

I mean, the man averaged like 34 and 9 and singlehandedly dragged us passed the sixers. Then the series against the bucks flipped when he started to shut down giannis. Last year during the playoffs, he was the best player in world. Just because the clippers CRASHED AND BURNED IN A HORRIBLE ENTERTAINING FASHION does not mean people get to discredit one of the greatest playoff runs of all time by an individual player.

猛龙球迷:那么道吧,谁人 汉子 场均险些 34+9,一己之力拖着猛龙跨过了76人。交着挨雄鹿的时刻 ,从他锁逝世 字母哥开端 局势 便改变了。便道客岁 季后赛,他便是天下 最强球员。您不克不及 由于 快船本年 以一种辣眼的时髦方法 推胯了,便来扼杀 小卡客岁 这种季后赛史上顶级的小我 秀。

[–]Knicker BockersTormund_Metsbane 44 指標 2 天前

People on this sub have the memory of like 2 weeks so i'm not surprised people are saying he's trash now.

那个服装论坛t.vhao.net许多 人只要二周的影象 ,以是 他们如今 喷小卡渣滓也很一般。


起源 :Reddit


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