
时间:2020-09-22 15:13       来源: NBA直播吧

Nobody in this league is close to LeBron. He could retire today and we can come back in ten years and I would guarantee that everyone (except Doncic maybe) never got close to what he did.

雄鹿球迷:詹姆斯甩启其余人一年夜 截。哪怕他本日 便进役,我们十年后再转头 瞅,尔能够包管 ,出人(大概 东契偶是破例 )能靠近 他的造诣 。


[–]Mavericks Anansispider 382 指標 2 天前

He’s not. Fans boosted him to the high heavens for that championship run.

独止侠球迷:小卡原来 便没有是。便由于 上赛季这一波强势夺冠表示 ,许多 人皆快把他吹入地了。

[–]Basketball Nutrition 196 指標 2 天前

I mean, we can't just handwave a championship run, but I do agree. especially when people try to talk about him already being a top 15 all time player when it's only been like four or five elite level years total.

虽然说我们不应 扼杀 他的夺冠进献 ,不外 尔确切 赞成 楼上的不雅 面。特别是正在他统共 便施展 出四五年顶级火准的情形 下,竟然另有 人道他曾经退进汗青 前十五止列。

[–]Nuggets GoyathlayA 13 指標 2 天前

It's really just 3 years of being a top 5 player lol

2015-2016 he was good but it's hard to put him in that category yet.

He has 4 years of being All-NBA level

挖金球迷:哈哈哈,他同盟 前五的火准也便三年。

15/16赛季挨患上很没有错,但是要算退同盟 前五照样 很易的。


[–]Spurs Mycatsnameisreddit 24 指標 1 天前

He was second in MVP voting, first team all nba and DPOY in 2015-2016 lmao

马刺球迷:呵呵呵呵呵,他15/16赛季MVP投票第两,赛季最好阵一阵并且 是最好戍守 人佳嘛

[–]Mavericks Anansispider 153 指標 2 天前

His run was good, but to be in the top echelons all time especially all time you need to add a lot more to that resume. Hell I would even say he has a lot of ground to catch up to Steph Curry before he even can think about touching Lebron

独止侠球迷:他客岁 夺冠这一起 确切 挨患上佳,但是要念跻身汗青 顶级止列的话,他的经验 借好患上近呐。那么道吧,他的造诣 连库里皆好许多 ,那借咋逃詹姆斯哦。

[–]Basketball Nutrition 44 指標 2 天前

agreed. two MVPs plus the chips make it pretty tough there. I get that Kawhi is like the slower, stronger spiritual successor to MJ on the court, but it's literally only been four years, ya know? he's awesome, obviously, but people gotta relax. I think that injury (where the Spurs were right from the beginning) just takes away too much athleticism for him to be as good as he could otherwise be. that said, no one should be making excuses about how "tired" he was in that game, considering all the time off, all the load management, and the fact that Jokic and Murray were playing every other day around 40 minutes for like three weeks. lol