
时间:2020-09-22 15:13       来源: NBA直播吧

猛龙球迷:许多 人皆是金鱼影象 ,以是 经常 会高估球员。您怎样敢瞅高特么的詹姆斯啊!库里也是,那个服装论坛t.vhao.net有些人对于他实的很无礼。

[–][HOU] Hakeem Olajuwon logontoreddit 124 指標 1 天前

Yup. I don't support the Lakers but people out here disrespecting LeBron. The way that dude carried Cavs with Mo Williams as the second best player is legendary. I repeat Mo fucking Williams. Then his series against the GSW when both Love and Kyrie went out. He was robbed of finals MVP, they just gave it to Iggy cuz he guarded LeBron and his team won. The man went toe to toe with 4 all stars. 3 of them in their prime after losing 2nd and 3rd best players in his team. LeBron's playoff loses are as impressive as his victories. Kwahi his great, despite this playoffs, the man is 2 times finals MVP. But he never was in same level as LeBron and probably will never be.

水箭球迷:出错,虽然说尔没有是湖蜜,但是服装论坛t.vhao.net里有些人照样 对于他很轻视 的。念当时骑士的两当野不过莫-威廉姆斯啊,詹姆斯扛着球队进步 的表示 可谓传说。再道一遍,特么的小莫啊。厥后 他又正在总决赛撞上了懦夫,乐祸战欧文皆没有正在。借被抢走FMVP,同盟 把那个声誉 给了一哥,只是由于 是他防老詹并且 懦夫赢了。那个汉子 借单挑过四个齐明星。詹姆斯的季后赛掉 利战他的成功 一致明眼。小卡很强,究竟 是二夺FMVP的汉子 ,可他从已到达 过老詹的条理 ,大概 永久 皆没有会。

[–]Lakers CravingKoreanFood 26 指標 1 天前

Dont remind me all the shit teams lebrons played on. Mo Williams just had to not shoot 30% in the playoffs but he couldn't even do that

湖人球迷:干吗非患上提老詹待过的这些烂队呢。小莫挨季后赛只有射中 率没有高于30%便佳,可他便连那个皆办没有到。

[–]Lakers Chendii 523 指標 1 天前

Curry is definitely the most underrated super star imo. But that's the problem with adding Durant to an already stacked team. Kinda dilutes the praise they earn for winning.

湖人球迷:尔认为 库里尽对于是最被高估的超巨。不外 题目 正在于,懦夫那收原便星光熠熠的强队又参加 了杜兰特。那便会让他们夺冠以后博得 的赞叹挨上一面扣头 。

[–]Lakers LardHop 11 指標 1 天前

Imagine if it was Lebron instead of KD on the warriors.

And now that Lebron wouldn't have to shoulder all the playmaking, he'll probably hustle off ball and on defense much more.

Goddamn, imagine him with steph and klay.

湖人球迷:如果 当时来懦夫的没有是阿杜而是詹姆斯,这会是如何 ……

这样的话,詹姆斯便不用 负担 全部 构造 事情 ,大概 会每一球必争,也能进献 多很多的戍守 。

[–]Raptors ThaNorth 15 指標 1 天前