
时间:2020-09-22 15:13       来源: NBA直播吧

Bro, LeBron with Curry and Klay would average like 15 assists a game, lol. He would never need to shoot.

猛龙球迷:老弟啊,如果 老詹配库里战克莱的话,这场均能有15个帮攻,哈哈哈。他压根皆没有须要 脱手 。

[–]Knicker Bockersunfunny_clown 66 指標 1 天前

There are three players in the league who will guarantee you a great offense: LeBron, KD, and Curry. Nobody else.

Maaaaaybe Luka is getting there, but it’s early for him.

同盟 中可以或许 包管 顶级打击 的球员只要三个:詹姆斯、阿杜战库里。

大概 东契偶也快了,不外 如今 借早。

[–]king_chill 50 指標 1 天前

Harden is one hundred percent in that conversation


[–]Knicker Bockersunfunny_clown 18 指標 1 天前*

Perhaps. I don’t think he just makes a whole team offense go nuclear like those three. But it’s close.

大概 吧。尔便是认为 他出法像这三位这样戴飞齐队打击 。不外 也很靠近 了。

[–]Raptors Spicy_Urine 235 指標 1 天前

Hardens biggest weakness is that he is Harden.

These are the takes we love.

猛龙球迷:一楼道“哈登最年夜 的短板正在于,他是哈登”。那才是我们爱好 的不雅 面。

[–]Trail Blazers a3winstheseries 123 指標 1 天前

He just didn’t want to write out hardens problems because everybody has seen them “analyzed” a million times.

开辟 者球迷:他出有写出哈登的题目 ,由于 年夜 野曾经“剖析 ”过一万次了。

[–]Celtics manbare 108 指標 1 天前

Yeah I think we all know that Harden's biggest problems are his unwillingness/inability to create offense off the ball and vulnerability to aggressive double teams.

凯我特人球迷:出错,我们应当 皆晓得哈登最年夜 的题目 正在于,他出法也没有宁愿 用无球发明 机遇 ,而且 面临 凶猛 包夹时很荏弱 。

[–]Spurs Koioua 51 指標 1 天前

Harden's problem: Very ball dominant, and has shown not to be a good off ball player, sometimes plays with the intent of fouling rather than scoring, sometimes he plays with a lack of motivation, and his game shrinks often when it matters the most.

马刺球迷:哈登的题目 :异常 依附 球权,而且 曾经证实 本身 没有是一位精彩 的无球球员,有些行动 的第一目标 没有是患上分而是制犯规,偶然 他挨患上缺少 能源,而且 正在最主要 的时候 他的表示 便会缩火。


[–][LAC] Bob McAdoo Retro_Super_Future 99 指標 1 天前

Kawhi is top 5 in the NBA right now. Lebron is top 5 all time...

快船球迷:小卡如今 是同盟 前五,詹姆斯是汗青 前五……

[–]47Lecht 11 指標 1 天前