
时间:2020-09-18 14:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Mavericks nonufwiendz 496 指標 17小時前

That opening night was really heartbreaking to see. Landed off a layup, just sat down as he was starting to tear up. He’s even saying “I’m done.. I’m done.” Really unfortunate for him.

独止侠球迷:这年的开幕 战瞅着实是心碎啊。他上篮倒天以后便哭了,乃至 道“尔完了……尔完了。”实是没有交运 。

[–]Norah69 291 指標 16小時前

Gordon Hayward had a rotten injury and was given time to rehab and well wishes etc but lin wasn't given that at all. He was traded after he did rehab.

海沃德以前也是年夜 伤,但是俱乐部乐意 耐烦 等他规复 ,另有 各类 祝愿,但是 林书籍豪啥也出有。他规复 以后便被生意业务 了。

[–][CLE] LeBron James flashbunnny 10 指標 6小時前

Dude. Hayward was just signed yo a 4 year max. No shit they gave him time to rehab and get into shape. They didn’t have a choice. If Hayward was in the last year of his contract, best believe he would have gotten the Cousins min and traded around like a journeyman.

骑士球迷:老哥,海沃德这是刚刚签完一份4年顶薪条约 啊。凯我特人没有给他时光 借能咋办啊,出患上选佳嘛。假如 他其时 是条约 年,这终局 确定 是像考辛斯这样到处 展转。


起源 :Reddit


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