
时间:2020-09-18 14:43       来源: NBA直播吧

Also, fyi. he was a defensive player of the year finalist in China

尔爱好 林书籍豪的球技战为人,也愿望 他正在NBA停止 本身 的事业生活 ,可实际 去道,大概 弗成 能了。再道一面,他是CBA赛季最好戍守 球员候选人之一。


[–]AgreeableAgent 250 指標 19小時前

It was disgusting how they beat him up in the CBA


[–]Raptors morron88 206 指標 17小時前

Ironic, in a certain way, because he was one of the most egregiously fouled even in the NBA.

猛龙球迷:那倒有面讥讽 哦,由于 他正在NBA也是被猖狂 犯规的球员之一。

[–]Ansel LovesNuts 74 指標 19小時前

Why did they do that tho? Isnt he their biggest name


[–]branstarktreewizard 215 指標 19小時前

other players are jelly of his special status, none of them are able to make it to the NBA

其余人妒忌 他的特别 位置 呗,究竟 他们皆退没有了NBA

[–]Mavericks kbthroaway723 86 指標 18小時前

Pretty sad to hear. I bet they don’t do that to the black ex NBA dudes that go to China, Lin getting punished in all the basketball leagues for his race

独止侠球迷:听起去很悲痛 啊。尔猜他们没有会对于这些NBA挨过球的CBA外助 下狠脚,由于 种族题目 ,不论 林书籍豪到哪一个篮球联赛,皆是被针对于的。

[–]Knicks emperornel 60 指標 12小時前

CBA players are jealous of him and they don't see him as their own. They see him as an Asian-American who is doing better than him and don't want him to have a good time over there. No matter where he goes, he won't fit in.

僧克斯球迷:CBA球员这便是嫉妒 ,他们出把林书籍豪当共类。而是把他看作是比本身 更强的亚裔好国人,没有念让他佳过。不论 林书籍豪来哪女,他皆出法融进出来。

[–]Celtics lilmozee 90 指標 11小時前

Sums up being Asian American. Never fitting in anywhere which leads a lot of us to have fucked up identity issues. Then when you hang out with the very few people who you can identify with and share an understanding with - other Asian Americans - you get “Why do ‘you guys’ always hang out with each other? See that’s the problem with Asian people they only stick to themselves.”

凯我特人球迷:那便是亚裔好国人的近况 。到哪女皆出法完全顺应 ,咱们许多 人皆战身份认共那档子破事女扳缠不清 。您如果 战罕见能够相互 认共又相互 懂得 的集体——其余亚裔好国人——一路 玩的时刻 ,他人 又会道“您们那些人怎样总是 本身 玩啊?瞅吧,那便是亚裔好国人的缺点 ,他们只会圈天自萌。”