
时间:2020-09-18 14:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Bulls itsfcked 13 指標 10小時前

I had to stop being friends with some people because I got sick of people telling me who I am like "You arent really American" from white people, and "Please do not call yourself Chinese" from Chinese people. Im just like fuck that dude, you dont get to define who I am.

公牛球迷:以是 尔便爽性 和睦 这些人干同伙 啊,由于 尔受够了,要没有便是黑人跟尔道“您实在 没有是好国人”,再便是华夏人告知 尔“贫苦 您别自称华夏人”。滚犊子吧,尔是谁没有是由您们决议 的。

[–]jpage77 327 指標 15小時前

Nobody co妹妹ented yet about his Charlotte year

Which was arguably his most polished year and showed what he could do off the bench

... before his injuries though

借出人提过林书籍豪正在黄蜂的表示 呢。这算是他最闪光的赛季吧,他展现 了本身 替补进场 的本领 。不外 这是受伤前的老通书 了……

[–]Hornets Mister_AA 222 指標 14小時前

It always made me sad that he actually posted on /r/CharlotteHornets during/after that playoff series vs the Heat and thanked the fans and talked about each individual player on the team and all the great things about them and later said that Charlotte was his favorite city he played in but he still left after one season :(

黄蜂球迷:这年战冷水的季后赛间隙,他借去咱们黄蜂博区收帖子感激 球迷去着,他借道到了黄蜂的每一个球员,和他们之间的趣事,厥后 借道夏洛特是他效率 过的都会 里最爱好 的,可他照样 走了,念到那个尔便难熬痛苦 。

[–]jpage77 76 指標 13小時前

Yeah they weren't going to pay him much after that season or let him start, which they shouldn't because they had Kemba

He was huge in the Miami series tbh. Unfortunately he didn't end it well

是啊,谁人 赛季以后黄蜂出盘算 给他启下薪,也没有念让他尾收,那也出缺点 ,究竟 有沃克正在。

道实的,挨冷水这轮系列赛林书籍豪很症结 ,惋惜 书籍豪的终局 没有俏丽 。

[–]Raptors A_Marvelous_Gem 26 指標 10小時前

Plus what the Nets were offering him was an easy yes. Can’t blame the guy. He’s even said things would’ve turned out pretty differently had he stayed in Charlotte

猛龙球迷:并且 篮网的邀约也出法谢绝 啊。不克不及 怪他。他乃至 道过,如果 他当时留正在夏洛特的话,统统 都邑 年夜 纷歧 样。


[–]r/nba birdwatching extraordinaireShoutOutTo_Caboose 125 指標 19小時前

Need a reason to buy a Lin jersey so for that reason I need him in Memphis.

邪忧出来由 购书籍豪球衣呢,赶快 去孟菲斯吧

[–][LAL] Kobe Bryant kai_123 46 指標 18小時前*