国王球迷:很久 ?也便一个赛季啊,哈哈。自挨特朗普被选 后,我们便出瞅过沃我挨球了。
[–]Lakers WearAMask2020 133 指標 13小時前
John Wall’s last game was December 26, 2018, a full two years after the 2016 election.
湖人球迷:沃我前次 挨NBA照样 18年12月26日啊,离16年推举 恰好 二年吧。
[–]AShinyTorchic 162 指標 13小時前
True but they play very different roles
Seems way easier for a 3&D guy to find a spot than a backup tier PG who doesn’t really excel at any one thing
It’s why there’s always a spot for guys like Korver, Danny Green, Ariza, etc. No matter how old or how much of a cliff they’ve fallen off to their old selves, their shooting threat is valuable to literally any team
对于的。不外 林书籍豪战JR的地位 照样 差别 很年夜 的。
比起一个根本 出有凸起 技巧 的替补控卫,貌似3D球员正在同盟 营生 的机遇 要年夜 很多。
以是 科沃我、丹僧-格林战阿里扎等人老是 没有缺下野。不论 他们年事 多年夜 ,也岂论 他们的竞技状况 下滑很多狠,他们的投射威逼 根本 皆是所有球队皆须要 的。
[–]Cavaliers Panthertron 65 指標 12小時前
I think it’s this more than anything.
Just out of curiosity, are there any back up point guards that you think Lin is better than at the moment?
尔便猎奇一问哈,年夜 野认为 如今 同盟 有没有如林书籍豪的替补控卫吗?
[–]assnce 57 指標 10小時前
Try to watch any of Lin with the Raptors. Love the guy but injuries killed his athleticism. His whole play style relies on size and athleticism, and after the injuries he can't compete at a NBA level.
他正在猛龙时代 的竞赛 尔都邑 只管 瞅。尔很爱好 他,然则 伤病抹杀 了他的活动 才能 。他的挨法依附 于体型战活动 禀赋 ,屡次伤病以后,他曾经没法正在NBA合作了。
[–]Wizards Gr8WallofChinatown 34 指標 14小時前
Lin can’t really shoot a 3 or play good defense.
If he was on a NBA team he wouldn’t ever really play meaningful minutes
偶才球迷:书籍豪借实是既出有三分也出有佳戍守 。
即使回了NBA,也只可正在渣滓时光 进场 。
[–]thebigmanhastherock 13 指標 10小時前
Warriors could pick him up for the minimum to back up Curry.
[–]Warriors uberdosage 10 指標 8小時前
Bay area loves Lin. Bring him over here
懦夫球迷:湾区很爱好 他的,把他戴返来 吧
[–]xxxcoercionxxx 14 指標 11小時前
I love Jeremy as a player and a person. I'd like to see him in the NBA to round out his career but realistically know it probably wont happen.