【键盘侠】最佳阵容揭晓|还有多少纪录 等着他去(9)

时间:2020-09-18 06:43       来源: NBA直播吧


[–]arshonagon 24 指標 3小時前

You just got a bunch of Celtics and raptors fans to agree. Can we vote you for president?

您那办法 竟然让凯蜜战龙蜜皆得偿所愿 。能给您投票当总统吗?

[–]Celtics ThreeStringKa-Tet 452 指標 8小時前

Tatum and Siakam had virtually identical stats in the regular season and Siakam was the higher seed, I get it. Playoffs make awards look funny all the time. Still think JT was better though, bias aside.

凯我特人球迷:塔图姆战西卡的惯例 赛数据根本 一致,西卡的球队排名更下,最好阵分派 尔能懂得 。季后赛一贯 都邑 让那些惯例 赛奖项很可乐。不外 扔启滤镜,尔照样 认为 塔图姆更强。


起源 :Reddit


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