【键盘侠】最佳阵容揭晓|还有多少纪录 等着他去(3)

时间:2020-09-18 06:43       来源: NBA直播吧

步辇儿者球迷:大概 年夜 野投票的时刻 把他傍边 锋了,如许 能力 归入更多的先锋 啊。究竟 先锋 地位 确切 是人才辈出。他人 把您投到那个地位 ,又没有长短 患上要您全部 赛季年夜 部门 时光 皆挨那个地位 。

[–][DEN] Nikola Jokic Rnorman3 57 指標 8小時前

And that’s a problem. People were voting for him as F for all defensive team so that Rudy could slot at C.

But they didn’t want him competing with lebron/Giannis/Luka at forward, so suddenly for the all NBA team, he’s a center!

挖金球迷:那便是题目 地点 啊。以前的赛季最好戍守 阵他们把他投到了先锋 地位 ,如许 便能把戈贝我塞到中锋地位 。

但是 此次 他们又没有念让他正在先锋 地位 战詹姆斯、字母哥、东契偶合作,到了赛季最好阵便那么忽然 天,他又成为了中锋!

[–]Pacers pezasied 30 指標 7小時前

Yeah I think it’s dumb and people use it to skirt the rules of voting. Everyone put Giannis and Lebron as the two first team forwards and 79 people put AD as a center so they could make him first team.

They probably should just make front and backcourt positions and end the whole charade, but I doubt they’d do it because centers outside of Jokic would struggle to get All NBA without their dedicated voting slot.

步辇儿者球迷:是啊,尔认为 很笨,这些人便是借此往返 躲投票规矩 。大家 皆把最好阵一阵二个先锋 的票给了詹姆斯战字母哥,79小我 把中锋票给了带维斯,便是为了能让他退一阵。

大概 他们应当 间接分前场战后场去投票,省得 让人猜去猜来的,可尔认为 他们没有会那么干,由于 如果 出有那些博设的投票地位 的话,除约基偶,其余中锋很易挤退最好阵。


[–]Suns FultonHomes 2001 指標 8小時前

LeBron now officially has the most All-NBA selections in NBA history with 16, and the most All-NBA 1st teams in NBA history with 13. Fuckin amazing

太阴球迷:詹姆斯曾经16次当选赛季最好阵,降至汗青 第一,并且 他13次当选最好阵一阵的造诣 也是最强的。太特么锋利 了。

[–]nquinsayas28 73 指標 7小時前

Yup. He just passed Tim Duncan, Kobe Bryant and Kareem Abdul Jabbar, all of whom have 15 selections. Incredible accomplishment!

是的,他超出 了邓肯、科比战贾巴我那些15次当选最好阵的先辈 。弗成 思议的造诣 啊!

[–]Timberwolves nmullll123 284 指標 7小時前

he’s been having the most 1st teams for a while right?

丛林 狼球迷:他当选最好阵一阵次数至多的记载 曾经坚持 一段时光 了吧?

[–]Lakers Zurdo112 245 指標 7小時前

Yeah since 2018 when he made his 12th first team. He made third team last year