【键盘侠】最佳阵容揭晓|还有多少纪录 等着他去(8)

时间:2020-09-18 06:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[–][UTA] Mike Conley Swagsparian 81 指標 7小時前

I love Rudy as much as anyone but yeah, 1st team is absurd. 3rd is the best we could ask for

爵士球迷:尔很爱好 戈贝我,然则 投他一阵便是扯浓。三阵便没有错了。

[–]Jazz SenHeffy 76 指標 7小時前

I wouldn't have voted him 1st, but it could be a stats guy since Gobert is 1st in many of the statistical models.

爵士球迷:是尔也没有会给戈贝我一阵票,不外 那个投票的人应当 是挺重视 数据的,究竟 戈贝我正在许多 数据模子 里皆是第一的。

[–]Jazz cosmicdave86 52 指標 7小時前

This is key. Some advanced analytics have him as a top 5 player in the league.

3rd is appropriate I agree.

爵士球迷:那才是邪解。从某些下阶数据去瞅,他便是同盟 前五。

尔认为 三阵挺适合 的。

[–]Raptors The_Unknown98 768 指標 8小時前*

Vote breakdown, Dru妹妹ond's only vote is for the 2nd team. It's time for a voting reform.

猛龙球迷:投票体制崩坏了,逃梦竟然借能正在两阵捞到独一 的一票。是时刻 改造 投票体制了!

[–][HOU] Chris Paul Nuggetsbecrispy 93 指標 8小時前

Voting reform for a single meaningless vote cast? I really don't see a problem

水箭球迷:便为了一弛举足轻重的投票来改造 ?尔实没有认为 如今 的体制有啥题目 。

[–][GSW] Stephen Curry FLUSH_THE_TRUMP 1755 指標 8小時前

Draymond snubbed for carrying us to 15 wins


[–]Raptors Cheechers23 1436 指標 8小時前

People are gonna clown Pascal over Tatum and Butler but I'm pretty sure this was voted based on pre-bubble performance. As such, he was still very good, and the higher seed probably played a factor into him making 2nd team over them

猛龙球迷:确定 有人要拿西卡排正在塔图姆战巴特勒后面道事女,可尔异常 肯定 ,那投票便是鉴于复赛前表示 的。那么道的话,他照样 很没有错的,况且 尔龙的排名也比凯我特人战冷水下。

[–]Raptors jjkiller26 224 指標 8小時前

Raps fans can even argue lowry should be 3rd team over si妹妹ons or westbrook if people wanna demote pascal

猛龙球迷:龙蜜乃至 能够为洛瑞行侠仗义 呢,假如 有人要针对于西亚卡姆的话,这洛瑞应当 换失落 西受斯或者威少退三阵。

[–]Celtics manateejulian 152 指標 8小時前

I mean I'm okay with that. I think Kyle was definitely better than Russell this season.

凯我特人球迷:尔认为 能够。尔以为 洛瑞那赛季确定 是比威少强的。

[–]Raptors therealwertheimer 128 指標 7小時前

Upgrade Tatum to 2nd team, demote Siakam to 3rd, remove Westbrook from 3rd, and add Lowry.