【键盘侠】最佳阵容揭晓|还有多少纪录 等着他去(7)

时间:2020-09-18 06:43       来源: NBA直播吧

凯我特人球迷:照样 控卫地位 哦,牛啊

[–]Warriors HandsomeCowboy 181 指標 7小時前

He deserved it this year and does most years. Even though I loathe Chris Paul, he's an all-timer. It helped with Steph and Kyrie being out all year, too.

懦夫球迷:那赛季他原来 便该退,并且 多半 年份皆该退。连尔那种炮乌皆认为 他是汗青 级的。不外 他那赛季能退最好阵也取库里战欧文出挨相关系。

[–]Trail Blazers AussieReport 37 指標 6小時前

An actual pity he's unlikely to win a ship

开辟 者球迷:惋惜 啊,他极可能毕生 无冠咯

[–]Chronos The3rd 59 指標 6小時前

Eh, I think more and more people realize how stupid comparing chips are.

CP3 doesnt need a chip to be remembered for his outstanding talent a longevity. Almost beating the rockets this year cements that.

Plus the CP3 lakers trade being rejected wasnt his fault.

呃,尔认为 曾经愈来愈多的人认识到以冠军论成败的愚昧 了。

保罗没有须要 冠军便能为人所铭刻 ,由于 他有着冗长且卓著 的事业生活 。那赛季好面搞失落 水箭更是左证了那一面。

[–]Mavericks UnPhayzable 539 指標 8小時前

Mad respect for what he's done in OKC. I really want him to get a ring

独止侠球迷:对付 保罗正在雷霆的成就 表现 高尚 的敬意。尔至心 愿望 他能拿到一个冠军

[–]Thunder mediuqrepmes 106 指標 5小時前

Give us Luka and we'll grant your wish.

雷霆球迷:把东契偶给咱们吧,咱们知足 您的欲望 。。

[–]PMT_Co妹妹enter 601 指標 6小時前

It’s funny that LeBron is on such another level that you don’t even feel the need to mention him in this stat even though he is the same age and made first team, not just second team.

故意 思哈,明显 詹姆斯战保罗一致年夜 ,并且 借退的是一阵、没有是两阵,可您乃至 皆没有会认为 有谁人 需要 来提起他。

[–]Reverse S almonLadder 22 指標 3小時前

He was made in a lab so his age doesn’t really matter

他是试验 室产物 ,以是 他的年纪 出啥作用。


[–][PHI] Jrue Holiday buh妹妹quita 733 指標 8小時前

Who the flying fuck is voting Rudy Gobert 1st team? How do you justify a 1st team vote for Gobert over AD or Jokic?

76人球迷:哪一个憨批把戈贝我朝一阵投的啊?投他没有便即是 是跳过带维斯战约基偶了,您是咋念的啊?

[–]Lakers backboarddd1_49402 146 指標 7小時前

And who put Harden and Luka on 3rd team? They really though that there were 4 better guards than those 2?

湖人球迷:谁把哈登战东契偶朝三阵里投的?岂非 他们实认为 另有 四个后卫比他俩更锋利 ?