
时间:2020-09-15 15:13       来源: NBA直播吧

那野伙那二年阳患上一匹佳嘛,便由于 他没有行没有语,年夜 野便没有提那茬。客岁 要没有是他逝世 吊着胃心,湖人至于出机遇 签其余人吗?您们也别误会 尔哈,尔觉着他那种操纵 挺机灵 ,但是也有面卑劣 。

[–]Mavericks Anansispider 199 指標 15小時前

All year people were making excuses for the Clippers based on some wild ass recency bias. Kawhi especially.

独止侠球迷:便由于 离谱的远期偏偏佳,全部 赛季皆有工资 快船各类 摆脱 ,特别是小卡。

[–][LAL] Kobe Bryant Goffeth 75 指標 14小時前

Everyone kept saying their team was never fully together, but when they are they'll dominate.

Sounds like another one of Doc Rivers' teams....

湖人球迷:大家 皆道快船从已谦员出战,等他们皆康健 了,便会挨出统制力。


[–]Lakers BritzlBen 48 指標 10小時前

Clippers are UNDEFEATED with everyone healthy.

All those losses with Rodney McGruder hurt don't count, how can you expect them to win without Rodney McGruder?

湖人球迷:大家 康健 的快船便是“没有败”的!

麦格鲁德受伤时的输球皆没有算,出有麦格鲁德那员年夜 将您凭啥期望快船赢球呢!

[–]Lakers jtn1123 140 指標 15小時前

i love kawhi but all the kawhi is an all time great based on 1 playoff run

he will be an all time great of course, but he isn't in the same stratosphere as kobe and bron yet lol

湖人球迷:尔很爱好 莱昂纳德,可便您们由于 他有过一次精彩 的季后赛之旅,便道他曾经是汗青 顶级球星?

他今后 固然 会步进汗青 顶级,可他今朝 借缺乏 以战科比、老詹那种人等量齐观,哈哈

[–]Warriors BlankVoid2979 105 指標 15小時前

LeBron elevates his tea妹妹ates and if he doesnt score he can still playmake, kawhi cant do that so when he's off he's useless. Thats why LeBron is wayy better than him.

懦夫球迷:老詹是能够动员 队友的,假如 他不克不及 患上分,他照样 能构造 串连,小卡高迷的时刻 便干没有到那些,根本 废料 。以是 道詹姆斯比他强太多太多。

[–][LAL] Jerry West deathinmidjuly 80 指標 15小時前

I wouldn't call him useless, he still brings an absolute defensive force to the game

湖人球迷:尔可没有认为 高迷的小卡是废料 ,他照样 谁人 戍守 年夜 闸。

[–]Warriors BlankVoid2979 35 指標 15小時前

Lebron can do that better than him tho cuz LeBron is a way better rim protector and help defender, he's better at reading defenses too. They're really not even comparable.

懦夫球迷:这老詹的戍守 可比他强太多了,由于 老詹的护框战协防皆近强于小卡,并且 浏览 戍守 的才能 更强。他俩实出啥比如 的。

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