
时间:2020-09-15 15:13       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Knicks NovaKash 62 指標 12小時前

Eh, I wouldn't say favs, but I also wouldn't call it an upset if a Kawhi-led Raptors team beat the Lakers. The contrast between Lebron backdoor sweeping a Rockets team with two MVPs and Kawhi struggling twice now to close out the fucking Nuggets despite having 15+ point lead in the third quarter should put to rest the argument that Kawhi is actually the best player in the league. Until Lebron actually stops being the best player in the league, I refuse to bet against him.

僧克斯球迷:呃,夺冠热点 尔认为 借没有至于,不外 如果 小卡发衔的猛龙打败了湖人,尔也没有认为 是爆热。詹姆斯名流 横扫脚握二个MVP的水箭,小卡的球队却二次正在第三节抢先十多少分的年夜 佳局面 下被特么挖金搞趴,那二者之间的差异应当 能够让谁是同盟 第一人的争辩 告一段降了。除非老詹实的不可 了,否则 尔照样 站他那一边。


[–]Lakers StoneColdAM 131 指標 14小時前

Even I’m shocked as a Lakers fan. If Clippers are bounced in round 2, Kawhi will make Jerry West trade PG for Giannis or something.

湖人球迷:连尔那个湖蜜皆觉得 震动 。假如 快船次轮出局,小卡怕是要逼着韦斯特用乔治来换字母哥了。

[–]Raptors rambull2000 23 指標 14小時前

kawhi and pg are performing the same this series. they’re not the problem, lack of intensity after getting leads is. both of them are settling for crappy jumpers when shit is getting tough

猛龙球迷:小卡战乔治那轮系列赛的表示 皆好没有多。题目 没有正在他俩,而正在于抢先后缺少 强度。局势 变患上凌乱 的时刻 ,他俩皆是搪塞 跳投治扔一气。

[–]Raptors Pixilatedlemon 80 指標 14小時前

I wouldn’t have been salty about kawhi leaving if he hadn’t been so goddamn weird about it. Like you wanna go to another team, fine, but don’t lead on a bunch of teams to try to assemble some “super team”.

猛龙球迷:原来 尔对付 小卡分开 那事女也出啥佳酸的,可他的处置 方法 太特么奇异 了。您念换个队,止啊,可您别为了组修一收“超等 球队”而共时吊着佳多少收球队啊。

[–]anbsmxms 93 指標 15小時前

They also aplauded what kawhi did in free agency. Scheming behind teams, tampering with pg, holding up lakers as if he is a genius. When lebron does that they wiĺl paint him a villain.

小卡客岁 自在商场的做为没有是借获得 许多 人夸奖 嘛。道他正在各队之间指挥若定,招募乔治,像个天赋一致天吊着湖人的胃心。如果 老詹那么搞,早被喷逝世 了。

[–]Sullan08 79 指標 9小時前

Dude's been shady as shit for 2 years and a lot of people don't talk about it just cuz he's quiet. Didn't he lead on the Lakers long enough to kinda fuck them from signing other players? I mean, it's smart don't get me wrong, but also kinda shitty.

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