
时间:2020-09-15 15:13       来源: NBA直播吧

The Clippers are exactly what people expected the Lakers to be this postseason

快船今朝 的表示 恰好 是以前中界对于湖人的季后赛预期。

-If their best player doesn’t go off they lose the game, if he goes to the bench they blow the lead

-假如 他们的最强面没有施展 ,这他们便会输球;假如 最强面上来歇着,这便会浪失落 抢先上风 。

-Their second option has been inconsistent

- 他们的第两强面一向 皆没有稳固 。

-Their role players are just there to make boneheaded plays and be liabilities (exactly what the Meme team was expected to be)

-他们的脚色 球员便是各类 胡挨,博门拖后腿(恰是 年夜 野料想中“梗之队”的模样)。

If the Clippers make it to the WCF(which I honestly am having doubts, the Nuggets straight up look like a superior team) they’re not going to have any chance against the Lakers

假如 快船挨退西决(道真话 尔挺疑惑 的,感到 挖金瞅着更强些),这他们撞上湖人也出啥机遇 。


[–]Lakers sharkhuh 10 指標 12小時前

Everyone kept saying "Clippers are just coasting, they'll turn it on in the playoffs", and I think the Clippers started believing it too without proving it first.

湖人球迷:以前大家 皆道“快船便是正在摸鱼啊,到了季后赛他们便会卖力 挨的”,成果 快船借出去患上及证实 那一面,便本身 开端 信任 了。

[–]trimble197 847 指標 14小時前

Not to mention that the Clippers have had drama before and during the bubble. The Lakers haven’t had any headcases at all this season, and that’s despite them having Dwight, JR, and Waiters.

况且 快船复赛前战复赛后皆是闹剧赓续 。湖人那赛季一向 便出啥幺蛾子吧,何况 他们借坐拥霍华德、JR战维特斯==

[–]redracer67 639 指標 14小時前

LeBron keeping them in check. Vogel is also a good coach, he did a great job with the pacers

这是有老詹盯着呢。沃格我也是个精彩 的锻练 ,他昔时 正在步辇儿者时代 便擅长 管束球员。

[–]trimble197 281 指標 14小時前

Yep. People were adamant that Kidd was gonna backstab him, but both seem to be able to cope well together.

是啊。以前许多 人借很笃定道基德会对于沃格我面前 捅刀,可貌似他俩互助 患上借挺和谐的。

[–][LAL] Kobe Bryant Goffeth 313 指標 13小時前

I think a lot of people forgot Kidd was even a coach, that's how silent it's been.

湖人球迷:许多 人皆记了基德也是干过主锻练 的,反倒解释 了尔湖是何等 天循分 。

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