
时间:2020-09-15 15:13       来源: NBA直播吧

湖人球迷:小卡天性将猛龙挨形成王晨球队,可他却很爽性 天分开 了,尔是弄没有懂的。背面 竟然又废弃 联脚詹姆斯战带维斯树立 王晨的机遇 。

[–]Lakers Curlybrac 91 指標 15小時前

Kawhi is a top 5 player but he's one wierd dude.


[–]Lakers jtn1123 131 指標 15小時前

i don't know if toronto would be a dynasty in my eyes but they definitely would have very safe paths to the finals each year

as boston improves maybe this will be less and less accurate but yeah that's my personal belief

湖人球迷:多伦可能是可能成王晨球队尔欠好 道,但是他们尽对于是可以或许 年年青 紧退总决赛的。

虽然说波士整理正在提高 ,猛龙的易度会愈来愈年夜 ,但是也借佳,尔横竖 便是那个感不雅 。

[–]Spurs siphillis 153 指標 14小時前

Easily a 60-win team and close out Boston if they had Kawhi as their go-to guy over Siakam.

马刺球迷:假如 猛龙的杀脚锏照样 小卡,而没有是西卡,这他们能够沉紧获得60胜,季后赛随意 闭幕 波士整理。

[–][LAL] Kobe Bryant Goffeth 48 指標 14小時前

"But it's cold up there" -Kawhi

湖人球迷:小卡表现 :“但是 多伦多佳热。”

[–]Raptors WiseguyD 140 指標 14小時前*

Kawhi didn't go to LA to win a chip, he went to live near his family.

We can all pontificate about whether the Raptors would do better than the Clippers (the Kawhi-PG Clips are still incredibly formidable), but the fact is the Raptors' supporting cast is just better, especially in the back-court, even if PG is better than Siakam.

猛龙球迷:小卡来洛杉矶原来 便没有是冲冠军,他念战野人住的更远些。

究竟是有小卡的猛龙更强呢?照样 如今 的快船更强(小卡乔治的快船仍然很壮大 )呢?年夜 野各有各的意见 ,可猛龙的帮助 声威 确切 更锋利 一点儿,特别是后场,哪怕乔治强于西卡也是一致。

[–]Raptors sadrapsfan 115 指標 14小時前

Realistically, we are in the finals if he stayed. The team is fine but raps biggest need and what cost us is we have no shot creator.or closer.

Him staying would make us favs vs Lakers IMO. Tho I will never blame him, he wanted to go home, it's pretty clear and his team is still a legit contender. He got both his wishes

猛龙球迷:道真话 ,如果 小卡借正在,咱们借能退决赛。如今 的猛龙也没有错,但是队里最急切 的需要便是机遇 发明 者大概 闭幕 者,那是咱们输给凯我特人的缘故原由 。

他如果 留住去的话,尔认为 尔龙便是战湖人争冠的热点 球队。不外 尔毫不 会责备 他,他其时 便念回野,那是不言而喻的,并且 快船如今 仍然是够格的争冠球队,小卡两端 皆获得 知足 了。

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