
时间:2020-09-06 18:43       来源: NBA直播吧


[–]Rockets ElderGoose4 76 指標 7小時前

Except Brons early Cavs teams were built like garbage and he has to constantly deal with the super Celtics. Giannis’ team is basically built to his strengths and is on paper the best team in the East. Giannis can go to another team but you can’t tell me the Bucks org didn’t try what they could to get Giannis a ring with them.

水箭球迷:詹姆斯夙兴 的骑士是很菜的,他借患上赓续 战这收超等 凯我特人较量 。字母哥的部队 根本 便是为了施展 他的优点 而修队的,纸里气力 也是东部最强。字母哥能够参加 别的 球队,可您不克不及 道雄鹿出无为了夺冠而尽力 。

[–]sallright 15 指標 6小時前

It’s a good supporting cast. They should have kept Brogdan but it’s still a good squad.

雄鹿的配套声威 很强的,出留住布罗咯噔很惋惜 ,但是那声威 照样 能够的。

[–]Grizzlies Silenced_Masses 123 指標 10小時前

Yeah everyone keeps comparing the idea of Giannis leaving for the heat to KD snaking his way to GS. But it’s honestly a lot more like LeBrons “Decision” to go to south beach.

Leave a northern smaller market for south beach to chase rings. Probably leave his original team kind of fucked for the foreseeable future. The only things missing are a bosh type player to form a trio and the fact that since Milwaukee isn’t his hometown he probably wouldn’t return to get them a ring later.

Granted in this scenario Giannis and butler are like off-brand LeBron and wade and I don’t know if I’d expect them to even win a ring.

灰熊球迷:出错,如果 字母哥归队来了冷水,许多 人皆将其取杜兰特变节 减盟懦夫比拟 。可实在 ,字母哥那种更像是詹姆斯昔时 来北海岸的“决议 一”。

分开 北部的小球会来北海岸逃逐戒指。大概 让他的母队正在短期内一团糟糕。他来冷水独一 却的便是波什那种球员去组三巨子 ,并且 稀我沃基又没有是字母的故乡 ,大概 他今后 没有会返来 赞助 球队争冠。

假定那种情形 实产生 了,这字母哥战巴特勒更像是纯牌詹韦拉拢,没有晓得可否 对于他们的争冠远景 抱有等待 。

[–]Heat CorrineontheCobb 32 指標 8小時前

Giannis, Butler, Bam, DR, Herro, Dragic, + bench pieces and ring chasers doesn't sound like a championship team? How about if we also managed to get a third star in su妹妹er '21?

冷水球迷:字母哥、巴特勒、阿德巴约、罗宾逊、德推季偶,再减上一助替补,岂非 没有像冠军球队?要没有尔冷正在21年炎天 想法 再签下第三名球星若何 ?

[–]Heat 10woodenchairs 10 指標 7小時前

Embiid sounds like he could go to Miami

冷水球迷:感到 恩比德乐意 去尔冷

[–]Heat CorrineontheCobb 10 指標 7小時前