
时间:2020-09-06 18:43       来源: NBA直播吧

Giannis is following a lot of LeBron’s path almost exactly 10 years later.

字母哥的生活 轨迹战老詹有许多 类似 面,且恰好 相隔十年。

LeBron Born December 1984, Giannis Born December 1994


LeBron drafted June 2003, Giannis Drafted June 2013

詹姆斯03年6月加入 选秀,字母哥13年6月加入 选秀;

LeBron’s first MVP season & year as #1 seed 2009, Giannis did this 2019

詹姆斯第一个MVP赛季球队是09岁首 号种子,字母哥则正在19年杀青 那一造诣 ;

Lebron losing in conference finals his first mvp season while being #1 seed 2009, Giannis 2019 (both lost 4-2)


LeBron 2nd MVP season & year as #1 seed 2010, Giannis 2nd MVP season & year as #1 seed 2020

詹姆斯第两个MVP赛季球队是10岁首 号种子,字母哥第两个MVP赛季球队是20岁首 号种子;

LeBron losing in ECSF his 2nd MVP season as #1 seed 2010, and it looks like Giannis will do this in 2020.

詹姆斯正在10年第两个MVP赛季行步分区半决赛,貌似字母哥20年也是那个节拍 。

If history keeps mirroring itself like it has with LeBron and Giannis… could we see Giannis leave this year to join a super team ( possibly the Miami Heat ??) ?

Opinion: I think Giannis is less accomplished, and less polished than LeBron was at this point 10 years ago but I find the way their career paths have been so freaking synchronized lately to be fascinating. I hope Giannis can develop some more skill and flourish in the playoffs at some point.

假如 詹姆斯战字母哥汗青 镜像持续 那么连续 上来……我们是否是将瞅到字母哥本年 参加 一收超等 球队(大概 是冷水?)?

不雅 面:尔认为 字母哥的造诣 战技巧 皆没有如10年前的詹姆斯,不外 尔认为 他俩事业生活 那种惊人的共步度借挺故意 思的。愿望 字母哥能持续 锻炼 更多的技巧 ,有晨一日正在季后赛年夜 搁光线 。


[–]C18H26O2 3420 指標 8小時前

It'll be poetic when he comes to Miami and learns that next gear for the playoffs, develops a post game and how to make clutch free throws. Then he'll return to Milwaukee, win another chip and eventually LA to join forces with Tako.

如果 他来了冷水,为季后赛而进修 新的本事 ,练出一身高位违挨技巧 ,而且 教会射中 症结 奖球,这便很戏剧性了。而后他回到稀我沃基,再拿一次总冠军,末了 来洛杉矶战詹姆斯联脚。

[–][GSW] Klay Thompson chaoism 11 指標 4小時前

that means we win chip on 2025, 2027, and 2028, then go 74-8 on 2026?