
时间:2020-09-06 18:43       来源: NBA直播吧

字母哥连东部皆出法包围,您竟然认为 能够把东区闭停?实是荒谬 ,东部垫底球队确切 菜鸡,但是头部球队尽对于是不克不及 鄙视 的,您不克不及 道出了球星东部便很烂了啊,那是要瞅团队气力 的。尔天……

[–]Yacht Club Portlandblazer07 41 指標 5小時前

Giannis would get crucified for joining the warriors after this year. Bailing after playing an awful series is not a good look.

字母哥如果 那赛季以后来了懦夫确定 会被喷逝世 。季后赛挨患上那么好以后便一走了之,不雅 感太好。

[–]Kemna21 58 指標 4小時前

So instead of comparing to Bron we should be comparing to Durant

以是 咱那是没有拿他战詹姆斯比,反倒战杜兰特比咯==

[–]Captain price101 30 指標 4小時前

We would compare Giannis to KD if he left Milwaukee to join Miami the team that beat him

他如果 分开 稀我沃基以后参加 克服 本身 的迈阿稀,这能力 战杜兰特比……

[–][POR] Damian Lillard challenger_black 71 指標 3小時前

Lol do people on here not remember how Bron going to Miami was received by fans? He was hated for it and they burned his jersey in Cleveland. Bron being the NBA good guy only came about after he beat the new most hated team (Warriors) and now that time has passed and people appreciate the Heatles for how great they were. Giannis leaving Milwaukee wouldn’t be a far off comparison from Bron leaving Cleveland the first time.

开辟 者球迷:哈哈哈,岂非 您们许多 人皆没有忘适合 年迈 詹来迈阿稀以后的风评吗?他是以 被许多 球迷忘恨,克利妇兰另有 人烧了他的球衣。老詹便是正在率队打败新晋最被人恨的球队(懦夫)以后,才成为了同盟 中的大好人 。时光 一面面流失,年夜 野那才开端 渐渐 承认 这收Heatles时代 冷水的壮大 。字母哥如果 分开 稀我沃基,惹起的惊动 是出法战老詹第一次分开 克利妇兰比拟 的。

[–]Magic Str8_up_Pwnage 9 指標 1小時前

Crazy to think that even people in their late teens or early 20s might not have been watching when Lebron joined Miami. He was public enemy #1.

把戏 球迷:如今 那些十多少岁两十出面的年青 人大概 出瞅过詹姆斯当时减盟冷水的场景,他其时 但是 头等公敌。


[–]76ers livindedannydevtio 103 指標 6小時前

I recall lebron being a lot better in the playoffs

76人球迷:尔忘患上老詹正在季后赛可比字母哥强一年夜 截

[–]Bulls itsfcked 1108 指標 7小時前

Lebron made the finals in 2007, thats a pretty big thing that Giannis has yet to do.

公牛球迷:他挨退了07年总决赛,那但是 字母哥于今皆出杀青 的一年夜 造诣 。