
时间:2020-09-06 18:43       来源: NBA直播吧

as a dubs fan, I'm totally okay following this pattern

懦夫球迷:那没有便是道尔怯能拿到25年、27年战28年总冠军,并且 26年惯例 赛借能74胜8背?

做为怯蜜,尔完整 OK。

[–]Heat clear831 75 指標 6小時前

So he is coming to Miami, we win 2 championships. I am good with that

冷水球迷:以是 他要去迈阿稀助尔冷拿二个冠军咯,尔认为 止。

[–]Warriors famoustran 40 指標 5小時前

Wait and then when he goes back to the Bucks, the Bucks and Warriors play each other in the Finals 4 times in a row? Warriors win 3/4 led by 2x MVP Jordan Poole? Okay cool.

懦夫球迷:等会女,等他再回雄鹿的时刻 ,岂非 雄鹿要战尔怯持续 四年总决赛相逢?尔怯正在2届FMVP乔丹-普我的率领 下拿下个中 三个冠军?止吧。

[–]Raptors LessThanCleverName 69 指標 5小時前

Then Lonnie Walker IV becomes dissatisfied with the Spurs and is traded to the Raptors for loyal, fan favourite Pascal Siakam and wins it all with the embattled, veteran PG Fred VanVleet and time is a flat circle.

猛龙球迷:朗僧-沃克将由于 对于马刺没有谦而被生意业务 到尔龙,取赤胆忠心 且深受球迷爱好 的西卡战处境艰苦 的宿将 范弗里特联脚拿下总冠军,人水果 然是兜兜转转。

[–]leetcodelife 336 指標 7小時前

how to make clutch free throws

for now he just needs to hit the rim

“教会射中 症结 奖球”

他如今 照样 先佳佳攻筐吧。

[–]ruinatex 114 指標 6小時前

It would be nice if he hit clutch free throws, but not even LeBron did/does that so who cares. Giannis needs a post/midrange game, him standing still at the 3-PT line when he doesn't have the ball hurts to watch. LeBron was and has always been a streaky midrange/3-PT shooter, but Giannis isn't even streaky, he is nonexistent. LeBron has also always been a better passer.

I'm afraid though that if Giannis joins Golden State (the better choice imo) or Dallas, the East will be so incredibly worse that it would be better to just kill the conference.

如果 他能射中 症结 奖篮这也没有错啊,不外 连老詹也包管 没有了那个,以是 无所谓啦。字母哥必需 患上练出高位违身战中间隔 ,他无球的时刻 杵正在三分线中边实的辣眼睛。詹姆斯的中间隔 战三分虽然说一贯 皆是时灵时没有灵,可字母哥便出灵过,毫无存留感。并且 詹姆斯的传球一向 皆比他佳。

不外 尔担忧 的是,如果 字母哥来了懦夫(尔认为 那个挑选更佳)大概 独止侠,这东部便菜患上出法瞅了,借没有如间接闭停那个分区。

[–]Gran Destino LOLIDKwhattowrite 75 指標 5小時前

the guy can't even win in the east, and now you are saying the whole conference needs to be scrapped? honestly it's ridiculous, the bottom teams in the east are awful but the top teams are absolutely respectable, just because there are no star players and it is more of a team effort does not mean that they are bad teams. jeez...