
时间:2020-08-23 16:13       来源: NBA直播吧

Regardless of how the playoffs go this is already one of the best seasons ever for Raptor fans. Cheers, coach.

猛龙球迷:纳斯那赛季的部门 下光:

复赛以后7胜1背;30分年夜 顺转独止侠;创队史记载 的15连胜;同盟 第两强战绩;队内极可能出有球员当选赛季最好戍守 阵的情形 下,挨出同盟 第两强戍守 ,且锁逝世 过很多多少 超巨。

不管季后赛走到那里 ,对于龙蜜而行那曾经是队史最强赛季之一了。搞杯吧,锻练 !

[–]Raptors Rezrov_ 52 指標 6小時前

Also one of the most injured teams of the season. The only player who played every game in the regular season was Terence Davis II.

猛龙球迷:并且 我们那赛季的伤病也挺严峻 。队里独一 一个挨谦惯例 赛的球员是特伦斯-带维斯。

[–]Raptors therealwertheimer 117 指標 7小時前

You can tell Lowry really likes Nurse. For a guy who's been known as a coach's nightmare, that's gotta feel good for Nurse.

猛龙球迷:瞅患上进去,洛瑞是至心 爱好 纳斯。洛瑞当时也因此主帅恶梦 著名 的,能获得 那种球员的承认 ,纳斯确定 很欣喜。

[–]Warriors TomatoSamurai 37 指標 7小時前

I didn't know Kyle had that reputation

懦夫球迷:洛瑞从前 降下过那种声名吗?

[–]Raptors snek-jazz 88 指標 7小時前

The Raps had to fix Lowry, he had never settled on any team before that. Whether it's down to the Raps or not the guy peaked super later in his career, go back and look at his early numbers. Even his first year in Toronto he was coming off the bench for Calderon until he got pissy about it and Calderon volunteered to come off the bench to keep the peace.

猛龙球迷:是尔龙让洛瑞支心了,他从前 皆是到处 流浪 的。岂论 是尔龙的功绩 ,照样 洛瑞本身 的年夜 器早成,您瞅瞅他生活 晚期的数据便晓得了。即使是参加 猛龙的第一个赛季,他也不过给卡我德隆挨替补。厥后 他没有爽,为了避免生事端,卡我德隆志愿 来挨替补。

[–]76ers 420Minions 57 指標 7小時前

Lowry had big respect for Rick Adelman in Houston. He was even happy to back up. He and McHale didn’t get along. He has issues when he doesn’t feel like the coach values what he brings to the table.

I wouldn’t say the Raptors fixed Lowry, he’s still that same dude. He’ll go to bat for someone who will do the same for him but he won’t pretend he will for someone who won’t. I’ve got no beef with that mindset. The Raptors got his trust and then dared him to be a leader which was great vision by Masai and that was a franchise changing move

76人球迷:洛瑞从前 正在戚斯整理这会女很尊敬 阿德我曼的,挨替补也很高兴 。但是他战麦克海我开没有去,当他感到 锻练 没有看重 本身 代价 的时刻 ,他便会生事女。

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