
时间:2020-08-23 16:13       来源: NBA直播吧

NBA 2019-2020 Coach of the Year: Toronto's Nick Nurse.

NBA民圆宣告 ,多伦多猛龙主帅僧克-纳斯被选 年度最好锻练 。


[–]Canada eugene_murphy_jr 3951 指標 9小時前

Year 1 Championship

Year 2 COTY

Year 3 Prime Minister

减拿年夜 球迷:第一年总冠军,第两年赛季最好锻练 ,第三年总理!

[–]Bulls ambauer 1304 指標 8小時前

Year 4 Arsenal


[–]Raptors BushidoBrownIsHere 436 指標 8小時前

How i wish this meme was still relevant :(


[–]Celtics rabid89 1620 指標 9小時前

Nurse is a beast of a coach. I can't ever remember a team losing their best player (a Top 3 NBA talent) and still come out the next season as a championship contending squad.

Hell of a job by Nurse.

凯我特人球迷:纳斯那锻练 实的锋利 。戚赛期掉 来队内最强球员(同盟 前三禀赋 ),第两个赛季竟然借能戴着这收冠军班底挨患上龙精虎猛 ,那种锻练 尔找没有到第两个。纳斯搞患上英俊 啊!

[–]Nuggets FalsyB 146 指標 8小時前

In raptor culture, this is considered a dick move

挖金球迷:依照 猛龙的球队文明,小卡那种行动 应当 很忘八 吧

[–]Raptors TacticalVirus 179 指標 7小時前

I don't think many in our fan base fault him for wanting to go home. He was traded here and never promised anything beyond hard work, can't fault him at all.

猛龙球迷:尔认为 咱们多半 龙蜜没有会由于 他念回野而责备 他。他其时 便是被生意业务 过去的,除尽力 挨球便出干出过其余许诺 ,压根便不克不及 怪他。

[–]goblinsholiday 161 指標 7小時前

Yeah, it was like win ECF and it would've been all worth it. Then Kawhi said "fuck that. Let's take it all". We've had players like Alonzo Mourning who never even reported to the team after he was traded to Toronto. Kawhi will never be hated in Toronto ever.

对于啊,他戴队拿下东决便曾经很值了。而后小卡表现 “来僧玛的,我们齐皆要”。只要莫宁那种球员会被针对于,由于 他被生意业务 到多伦多事后 竟然没有来球队签到。然则 多伦多永久 没有会憎恶 小卡。

[–]Raptors liamowen30 422 指標 8小時前

Only NBA Finals MVP to not play for the same team the next season

猛龙球迷:我们那第两个赛季照样 一样的职员 ,也便少了个总决赛MVP罢了 嘛==

[–]Raptors polic1 342 指標 8小時前

Proof that Fred was the real fmvp

猛龙球迷:证实 范弗里特才是实FMVP==

[–][TOR] P.J. Tucker RottenSmegmaMan 131 指標 7小時前

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