
时间:2020-08-23 16:13       来源: NBA直播吧

I'm gonna bet in 10 years, we'll say that there have been few better coaching stories than Nick Nurse. Heck even now I'm willing to ask

雷霆球迷:尔赌博 ,10年内能找患上出纳斯那种执学美谈 的寥若晨星 。靠,尔如今 便念晓得另有 谁。

[–]willsmath 446 指標 8小時前

For real man, Nick Nurse has been grinding so long and he's finally on top, he won the British basketball league championship twice as head coach in 1996 and 2000 (winning COTY twice as well), then a G league championship, and now the past 2 years of incredible success

这借实蛮少,纳斯到处 挨拼了佳少时光 才末于步进顶尖止列,他正在英国以主锻练 身份分离 正在1996年战2000年戴队拿过二次联赛冠军(二次皆是赛季最好锻练 ),而后便是成长 同盟 冠军,交着便是曩昔 二个赛季了不得 的造诣 了。

[–]Raptors TJFordNation 472 指標 6小時前

He finessed his way into coaching a g league team. He literally used to drive by some arena all the time and called up the arena’s owner and asked if he wanted a g league team. The owner said yes. Then he called up NBA and asked if they wanted a team in that area, which they said yes as well. His only condition was that they make him head coach. That’s why he was the first coach in Iowa Energy history in like 2007.

猛龙球迷:他正在成长 同盟 的执学机遇 借实是本身 玩套路弄到的。他其时 启着车一向 正在某个场馆中边转游,而后挨德律风 问谁人 场馆的老板念没有念要一收成长 同盟 球队,对于圆道念要。随即他便挨德律风 找到NBA,讯问 对于圆念没有念正在谁人 地区 弄一收球队,也是确定 谜底 。他本身 独一 的前提 便是让他当主锻练 。以是 他才正在2007年景为了爱荷华动力队的第一任主锻练 。

[–][UTA] Andrei Kirilenko astruggleitself 170 指標 5小時前

Alright that's some of the coolest shit ever I like Nurse even more now

爵士球迷:佳吧,那骚操纵 实尽了,尔更爱好 纳斯了。

[–]Carole BaskinsBurner 49 指標 5小時前

What unites people? Armies? Gold? Flags? Stories. There’s nothing in the world more powerful than a good story. Nothing can stop it. No enemy can defeat it.

And who has a better story than Nick the Nurse?

甚么器械 可以或许 凝集 民气 ?部队 ?黄金?旗号 ?是励志小说。那是天下 上最无力质的器械 ,出有甚么能够阻拦 ,出有所有仇敌 能将其打败。


[–]ijustbrushalot 177 指標 9小時前

Spoelstra has an endearing rags-to-riches career arc.

斯波我斯特推空手 起身 的生活 轨迹也是蛮受人逃捧的。

[–][TOR] John Long Balenciallahh 129 指標 8小時前

Wasn’t his dad an nba exec?

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