
时间:2020-08-23 16:13       来源: NBA直播吧

猛龙球迷:他爸没有是前NBA总司理 吗?

[–]ijustbrushalot 167 指標 8小時前

Yeah. He came from money, but Erik played in college and was not handed a coaching job. He had to start in the video room and earn his stripes. Just like how Nurse started as a player/coach and slowly worked his way up through several leagues.

是的,他家道 确切 蛮佳,可斯波正在年夜 教挨球以后并无获得 一份锻练 事情 。他只可从录相调和 员干起逐步 攒履历 。那战纳斯从锻练 兼球员起步,慢慢 闯荡多少个联赛的阅历 很像啊。

[–]Raptors mantistobogganmMD 153 指標 7小時前

Tbf being a young person and your starting job is an NBA video room tech is pretty lucky.

猛龙球迷:道实的,您一个年青 人第一份事情 便是NBA球队的录相调和 员,那曾经很交运 了。


[–][BOS] Marcus Smart airmagswag 479 指標 9小時前

Damn I’m sorry for him. Now the raptors are gonna have to fire him

凯我特人球迷:揩,替纳斯惆怅 啊,瞅去猛龙没有暂便患上炒失落 他了==

[–]Celtics rabid89 107 指標 9小時前


凯我特人球迷:笑逝世 老子了

[–]Raptors JohnnyFootballHero 57 指標 9小時前

Only his 2nd year as HC and already the Greatest Coach in Raptors History

猛龙球迷:那才是纳斯干主锻练 的第两个赛季,便曾经是尔龙队史最巨大 主帅了。

[–]Raptors LeGaffe 1002 指標 9小時前

Not to shit on Casey but what Nurse has done the past two years has completely changed the landscape here. Casey was the absolute worst when it came to in-game management, or lack thereof.

猛龙球迷:倒也没有是踏凯西,但是纳斯曩昔 二个赛季对于球队的调学曾经完全转变 了本有的基调。道莅临 场批示 ,凯西确定 是最菜的。

[–]Raptors Bee_lrl 349 指標 9小時前

Casey couldnt coach more than his original gameplan and telling players to play better according to it.

Nurse is able to gameplan and adjust mid game while getting the most out of any lineup injuries or not.

Its been such a stark difference between the two

猛龙球迷:凯西便靠赛前安排 ,而后让球员照着挨。

纳斯是有临场应变的,能够依据 场上情势做出最有益的安排 。

那二人的差别 其实 是太年夜 了。

[–]Raptors JackSci 16 指標 8小時前

Lol, I remember how every 'last possession of the half' play for Casey, was always iso demar (or lou will). EVERY TIME. It almost never worked, but he did it for like 5 years lmao. Nurse has been such a 180

猛龙球迷:哈哈哈,尔借忘患上从前 凯西屡屡“半场末了 一攻”的套路,便是让德罗赞(或者路威)单挨。屡屡皆是!险些 皆出啥用,可他照样 保持 了五年,哈哈哈。纳斯去了以后变更 实的年夜 。

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