【键盘侠】绿军力克76人|两份烂合同拖垮费城 大(8)

时间:2020-08-22 19:43       来源: NBA直播吧

I'm so proud of my dad Kemba Walker

黄蜂球迷:实为尔沃克爸爸自满 啊

[–]dukediggler77 321 指標 4小時前

Raptors vs Celtics ladies and gentlemen. Going to be a sweet series.

猛龙挨凯我特人哦亲们,那轮系列赛悦目 了。

[–]jak_d_ripr 164 指標 4小時前

I've waited 4 years to watch that match-up, somehow both team have avoided each other the past 3 post-seasons. Series better be good considering how long I waited for it.

那轮对于决尔曾经等了4年了,可曩昔 三年季后赛,那二队总能相互 躲启。

[–]kembaceltics 51 指標 3小時前

Interesting fact: the only East team the Celtics have never faced in the playoffs in the Raptors.

意见意义 科普:凯我特人正在季后赛于今借出有碰到 过的东部球队只要猛龙。

[–]Raptors HardenHaterNo1 30 指標 4小時前

Celtics are a bad matchup for us. I'm nervous but at the very least it should be entertaining.

猛龙球迷:挨凯我特人咱们没有占上风 。尔很重要 ,不外 应当 会很悦目 。

[–]Celtics crashbandicoochy 29 指標 3小時前

Honestly, I think it's a dead even series. We match up fairly well but are so thin, especially without Hayward.

I expect it to go 7 and I'm actually looking forward to that. Should make for some champagne basketball.

凯我特人球迷:道实的,尔凯挨猛龙那种系列赛确定 是逝世 磕终归的。咱们的职员 设置装备摆设 很合适 挨猛龙,但是照样 太薄弱 了,特别是出有海沃德。

很愿望 二队能挨到抢七,应当 会蛮出色 的。


起源 :Reddit


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