【键盘侠】绿军力克76人|两份烂合同拖垮费城 大(3)

时间:2020-08-22 19:43       来源: NBA直播吧

凯我特人球迷:那俩确切 表示 很好,可最少照样 拼了的,最少哈里斯是。他本日 出少冲抢篮板啊,可他便是菜,尽力 了也只可如许 了。

[–]Lakers SmokeOddessey 114 指標 4小時前

Sixers had 20 (!!!) offensive rebounds vs yall with only 3, and still lost says a ton about how trash their scoring was tonight

湖人球迷:76人本日 打击 篮板20个啊,您凯只要3个,但是他们照样 输了,那恰好 解释 了他们的患上分是何等 天辣鸡。

[–]Bulls Riderz__of_Brohan 147 指標 4小時前

Remind me why they let Reddick walk again


[–]Xamiel 257 指標 4小時前

They needed JJ's cap space to give Al Horford all that money

其时 须要 雷迪克腾出薪资空间去签霍祸德啊

[–]Celtics PADRAlC 73 指標 4小時前

Securing the bag and fading into mediocrity. Inspiring

凯我特人球迷:钱得手 便沦为平淡 了。


[–]Raptors The_Unknown98 1155 指標 4小時前

There's no homecourt in these playoffs which explains why the Sixers haven't won

猛龙球迷:本年 季后赛出有主场,以是 76人材赢没有了==

[–]Knicks TigerBasket 334 指標 4小時前

Maybe next pandemic the bubble will be in philly

僧克斯球迷:大概 下次风行 病去了以后的复赛园区应当 搁正在费乡

[–]JacobMoses8 93 指標 4小時前

Embiid needs to get out of philly

恩比德必需 分开 76人

[–]JacobMoses8 318 指標 5小時前

100% he’s wasting his career there

尽对于的,他正在那女便是糟蹋 事业生活

[–][PHI] Joel Embiid Vip_Pwner 232 指標 4小時前

Incoming trade request

76人球迷:立时 便是请求 归队咯

[–]76ers TheOutsider1783 43 指標 3小時前

I don’t blame him if he does. We decided to build a roster around him that minimizes his skills and play along with taking away his best friends in Ji妹妹y and JJ. Colangalo, Brand, and Brown are such jokes and should be ashamed of wasting the greatest talent this franchise has seen in 20 years.

76人球迷:要实如许 尔也没有怪他。我们道是环绕 他挨制声威 ,成果 不过让他的感化 最小化,并且 连他的佳同伙 巴特勒战雷迪克皆收走了。科朗凶洛(76人后任总裁)、布兰德战布朗实是见笑,活死死把队里远20年去的最强禀赋 浪费 了,他们应当 觉得 羞辱 。

[–]Celtics iamgarron 61 指標 4小時前*

Here's the thing for Embiid...you frustrate him a few times and he's done with it. After the turnover and the block, he pretty much never went to the post again even though he was getting to the line at will and now we have Kanter at center

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