【键盘侠】绿军力克76人|两份烂合同拖垮费城 大(6)

时间:2020-08-22 19:43       来源: NBA直播吧

这另有 哈里斯惯例 的19投只好15分呢

[–]Thunder 5ive5tar 1524 指標 4小時前

Neither of them made a three yet in this series.

雷霆球迷:他俩系列赛挨到如今 皆出退过三分

[–]Heat Milos305 56 指標 5小時前

The new and improved Trash Bros

冷水球迷:的确 是齐新进级 版渣滓弟兄

[–]Rockets jmbourn45 340 指標 4小時前

God damn, they just get worse and worse every game I feel so bad for 6ers fans


[–]76ers darkdarkDog 676 指標 4小時前

this is honestly more hurtful than the kawhi shot

76人球迷:实在 那比小卡客岁 这忘尽杀借伤人些

[–]Lakers thelaziest998 47 指標 4小時前

The shot you only have to live with for an off-season but the contracts are going to fuck for years to come.

湖人球迷:小卡这次尽杀熬过戚赛期便佳了,但是 霍祸德战哈里斯的条约 借能延误 您们佳多少年

[–][TOR] Pascal Siakam NoseBlind2 49 指標 4小時前

It hurts them for different reasons.

That pain was respectful.

This is of embarrassment

猛龙球迷:尽杀这次照样 站着逝世 ,签那二人的确 是拾人现眼。

[–]Raptors DDRaptors 15 指標 3小時前

Getting beat vs beating yourself.


[–]Celtics ro-heezy 12 指標 2小時前

Harris is a classic regular season player. Not crazy skilled, but puts in enough effort in the regular season to fill up the stat sheet against teams who are on back-to-backs or playing against him 2 or 3 times over the year.

But in the playoffs, when there's pressure and teams have had days to game plan for him, he becomes null and void.

凯我特人球迷:哈里斯是这种典范 的惯例 赛球员。出有啥特殊 拔尖的技巧 ,然则 正在挨这些面对面大概 一个赛季便撞二三次的这些球队时,他能够用尽力 挖谦数据栏。

但是 到了季后赛呢,压力很年夜 ,并且 对于圆会花时光 研讨 您,他便很鸡肋且隐身了。

[–][PHI] Efthimi Rentzias I_hate_traveling 906 指標 4小時前*

Just when you though Tobias couldn't play any worse than he did last season vs the Raptors (38/28/83), he comes out and shits the bed 3 times in a row.

76人球迷:便正在尔认为 哈里斯的表示 没有会比上赛季挨猛龙的系列赛(射中 率38、三分28%)更菜的时刻 ,他去了,连着三场推胯。

[–]76ers Cjw0842 458 指標 4小時前

Reading this made me want to vomit.

76人球迷:瞅到楼上批评 尔实念咽。

[–]Celtics LuckysBestMan 95 指標 2小時前

don't let this distract you from the fact that Enes Kanter has made more 3s in this series than Harris and Horford combined.

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