【键盘侠】绿军力克76人|两份烂合同拖垮费城 大(2)

时间:2020-08-22 19:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]76ers akbilgrami 76 指標 4小時前

Similar blown leads in the Toronto series last year too one of Brett's signatures

76人球迷:战上赛季对于多伦多这轮系列赛一致的失落 链子,那便是布朗的惯例 操纵 。

[–]Rockets DjLionOrder 86 指標 4小時前

No idea how you could have watched that game and thought that it was Brett who made them miss shots.

Horford and Tobias couldn't hit the ocean from the beach tonight.

水箭球迷:那也能甩锅布朗?岂非 是布朗让队员们持续 挨铁的?

霍祸德战哈里斯古早完整 便是站正在沙岸 上也找没有到年夜 海。

[–]Warriors manliestdino 53 指標 4小時前

I feel like Brett is getting a little scapegoated when the roster construction is terrible. He wasn't a bad coach during the Toronto series last year. Wouldn't say it's a bad idea to move on from him, however. Just depends on who they can get

懦夫球迷:尔认为 布朗有面违锅了,明显 是球队的声威 拆配密烂。上赛季挨猛龙的这轮系列赛布朗执学患上其实不好。不外 如果 换失落 他也能够,便瞅76人能获得 谁。

[–]Celtics ReservedWhyren 26 指標 4小時前

As a Celtics fan, I would not feel one iota of fear if Brett Brown were to be fired.

I would, however be concerned if Elton Brand were to be yeeted from his position.

凯我特人球迷:凯蜜表现 ,如果 布朗下课尔一面也没有慌。但是 ,假如 布兰德被炒了,这尔便有面坐没有住咯

[–]Supersonics mrpopsicle 92 指標 4小時前

If Philly gets swept, do they fire Brown?

超音速球迷:如果 76人被横扫,这布朗会下课吗?

[–]Knicks HokageEzio 76 指標 4小時前

He's getting fired unless they win the Finals at this point.

僧克斯球迷:除非拿下总决赛,否则 他皆要被炒。

[–]Lakers Palifaith 372 指標 4小時前

Tobias Harris and Al Horford went a combined 7-24 from the field and 0-7 from three. Yikes.


[–]Lakers adonisgawd 64 指標 4小時前

Danny Green noises


[–]Gets TheAndOne 102 指標 4小時前

How much per dollar is that for made shots?

哈里斯战霍祸德那每一退一个球值若干 钱?

[–]Celtics E10DIN 112 指標 4小時前


凯我特人球迷:年夜 概2800万

[–]Warriors WakingRage 45 指標 4小時前

Elton Brand: worth


[–][BOS] Jaylen Brown OrangeKookie 144 指標 4小時前

They were bad but at least they tried or at least Harris did. Harris crashed the boards a ton this game but he kind of sucks and effort only takes you so far

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