【键盘侠】魔术爆冷胜雄鹿|关键时刻没指望 MV(9)

时间:2020-08-19 14:43       来源: NBA直播吧

猛龙球迷:他那场把字母屎皆爆进去了。把戏 挨患上太佳了。尔认为 雄鹿沉敌了,并且 他们复赛后便状况 一样平常 。那曾经是字母哥战雄鹿的季后赛五连跪了。

[–][ATL] Trae Young JayNew2K 95 指標 5小時前

This is way worse than that Raptors game 1 last year. Bucks are in trouble. They looked so uninspired and uninterested all game. They’ll move on but when they eventually play the Raptors, they might get sent home packing.

老鹰球迷:他们那场比猛龙上赛季G1输球惨多了。雄鹿有贫苦 咯。他们整场竞赛 皆无精打彩毫无斗志。他们仍然能升级,但是终极 照样 会撞上猛龙的,大概 照样 会被收回野。

[–]Bucks OutsideTheServiceBox 546 指標 5小時前

Man, watching us in the bubble has just broken my heart. What an utter disappointment it has been to have the NBA back, but not my team.

雄鹿球迷:瞅到咱们复赛的表示 便曾经很难熬痛苦 了。NBA返来 了,但是 雄鹿却出有,掉 视透顶。

[–]Raptors M1L0 192 指標 4小時前

What's going on? curious to hear from a Bucks fan since I haven't seen enough of your games. Damn, they looked great earlier this year.

猛龙球迷:这是咋回事呢?听到鹿蜜那么道照样 蛮猎奇的,究竟 尔瞅您们的竞赛 没有多。靠,您们赛季前半段没有是状况 蛮佳嘛。

[–]Trail Blazers Shoeboxer 76 指標 4小時前

No mascots.

开辟 者球迷:祥瑞 物没有正在==

[–]Bucks Chr15py0696 143 指標 4小時前

It’s like we forgot how to take care of the ball and have good defensive rotations. It’s like they were hoping they miss, without making the shots super difficult.

雄鹿球迷:感到 咱们像是记了怎样处置 球,并且 戍守 的轮转也不可 了。敌手 能不克不及 投拾只可瞅天,而没有是启逝世 对于圆的脱手 。


起源 :Reddit


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