【键盘侠】魔术爆冷胜雄鹿|关键时刻没指望 MV(2)

时间:2020-08-19 14:43       来源: NBA直播吧

No they wanted to give VanVleet's minutes to Lin. VanVleet was struggling before his girl birthed their child. People never said they wanted Lin to start over Lowry. At least not the majority.

太阴球迷:没有,其时 年夜 野是道让林书籍豪取代 范弗里特。由于 范弗里特正在儿童出身 前的表示 密烂,年夜 野从出道过让林书籍豪代替 洛瑞先收,最少那没有是年夜 部门 人的设法主意 。

[–]Spurs MakeAShadow 9161 指標 4小時前

Game 1 Magic is the greatest team of all time.

马刺球迷:G1的把戏 是史上最强队!

[–][PHI] Jahlil Okafor underscoreftw 2352 指標 5小時前

Per tradition, one is to be beaten by the Magic in Game 1 to win the chip.

76人球迷:依照 通例 ,G1战被把戏 打败的球队将博得 总冠军==

[–]Raptors kioku 74 指標 4小時前

It is known


[–]Raptors sleepy416 35 指標 4小時前

It’s the sacrifice you gotta make

猛龙球迷:那是需要 的就义

[–]Knicks alx69 2696 指標 4小時前

This Orlando Magic team will be a Dynasty if NBA ever goes to single elimination playoffs.

僧克斯球迷:假如 季后赛是单场镌汰 造的话,这那收把戏 将造诣 王晨之师。

[–]Raptors ilovechowder 1497 指標 4小時前*

The 96 Bulls, 73-9 Warriors and Game 1 Magic, the three best teams in NBA history!

Edit: I forgot the bubble suns :(

猛龙球迷:96年的公牛、73胜9背的懦夫战G1的把戏 ,那是同盟 史上最强的三收队!

编纂 :另有 泡泡版太阴==

[–]Celtics Brad-Stevens 444 指標 5小時前

Big shoutout to Steve Clifford, great stuff

The weirdest(?) part of this game was it didn't really seem like a fluke at all ... The Magic just straight up outplayed them

凯我特人球迷:给克利祸德一个年夜 年夜 的赞,搞患上英俊 !

最诡同的是,貌似把戏 博得 一面也没有荣幸 ……把戏 便是比雄鹿挨患上更佳。

[–]Timberwolves mymainaccountiskill 116 指標 4小時前

The Magic played great, and the Bucks played like trash. While this game definitely wasn’t a fluke, I find it difficult to imagine that situation repeats itself. Still, could be a much more exciting series than people were expecting

丛林 狼球迷:把戏 挨患上很棒,而雄鹿挨患上很渣滓。虽然说那场成功 尽对于没有是荣幸 ,但是尔认为 再次涌现 那种成果 照样 挺易的。

话道返来 ,那轮系列赛大概 会比年夜 野预期中药悦目 很多。

[–]Mazkrar 114 指標 4小時前

Yeah it was actually pretty strange. Even though Giannis put up 30+ points it still seemed like the Magic clamped him a little bit.

确切 很奇异 。哪怕字母哥拿到了30多分,仍旧 感到 把戏 把他限定 住了