【键盘侠】魔术爆冷胜雄鹿|关键时刻没指望 MV(7)

时间:2020-08-19 14:43       来源: NBA直播吧

Hard to say.

尔认为 错没有正在布登,由于 字母哥症结 时候 实搞没有了啥……可大概 他须要 更多的时光 能力 更快找到感到 呢?欠好 道啊

[–]Raptors YSLAnunoby 154 指標 4小時前*

It was crazy to me when you guys were facing elimination last year and he still wasn't playing Giannis 40 mins. Not like Giannis has injuries or anything either he's very healthy and still pretty young

猛龙球迷:便离谱,雄鹿上赛季皆快被镌汰 了,字母哥的进场 时光 竟然照样 出到40分钟。他又没有是有伤或者咋样,他康健 患上很啊,并且 年青 力壮的。

[–]Gran Destino xbyo 233 指標 4小時前

Last postseason, Giannis only played over 40 minutes once in regulation (40:32 in Game 6 of the ECF).

上赛季季后赛,字母哥惯例 时光 进场 跨越 40分钟的竞赛 只要一场(东决第6场挨了40分32秒)。

[–]Lakers vizzlypoof 60 指標 3小時前

I remember in the Raptors series where he takes Giannis out of the end of the game for a few minute break. Like ????

If you're a top 5 player in the league, your coach shouldn't be able to do that to you. That's one of those rare moments where I thought a player should tell his coach to fuck off.

湖人球迷:尔忘患上上赛季他们挨猛龙的系列赛,布登一度正在竞赛 终段把字母哥换上来歇息 多少分钟,????

假如 您是同盟 前五的球星,这您的锻练 便不应 那么干。尔认为 他应当 让锻练 滚蛋 。

[–]Celtics E10DIN 37 指標 4小時前

Maybe bud is just a regular season coach. He's never been known for his playoff success, even when he had a 60 win team in ATL

凯我特人球迷:大概 布登不过个惯例 赛锻练 吧。他季后赛经验 便出啥拿患上脱手 的,哪怕昔时 戴老鹰获得60胜也是。

[–]Bucks YesOrNah 43 指標 4小時前

Glad to see he has learned nothing from last years playoffs.

雄鹿球迷:瞅到布登从客岁 季后赛教导 里啥也出教到,尔可实愉快 呢

[–]East danielbauer1375 36 指標 4小時前

He probably has too much confidence in his bench players. His team wins like 60 games and his role players are playing great, so he decides to use them in the playoffs, where role players usually are usually not nearly as effective. To be fair, his team was playing extremely well last season in the playoffs up until Game 3 of the Raptors series.

他年夜 概是对于替补球员充斥 信念 。究竟 球队惯例 赛赢了快60场,部下 的脚色 球员挨患上佳,以是 他便决议 季后赛持续 用,但是脚色 球员平日 到了季后赛便出那末下效了。有一道一,上赛季对于猛龙的G3以前,雄鹿季后赛挨患上极端精彩 。

[–]Raptors HardenHaterNo1 22 指標 4小時前