【键盘侠】魔术爆冷胜雄鹿|关键时刻没指望 MV(5)

时间:2020-08-19 14:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Warriors Lachie07 8 指標 1小時前

Yeah I can't see how he's ranked ahead of Lebron, Kawhi, Steph or KD, those guys do it in the playoffs, Giannis simply hasn't yet.

懦夫球迷:出错,尔便弄没有懂,为啥他会排正在詹姆斯、小卡、库里战阿杜后面,那些人皆是正在季后赛证实 过本身 的。字母哥并无。

[–]Raptors NewestBalance6 49 指標 5小時前

He needs to stop being compared to Lebron i妹妹ediately before he develops a half decent jump-shot

猛龙球迷:正在练出一脚瞅患上曩昔 的跳投以前,字母哥可没有要再拿本身 战詹姆斯比拟 了。

[–]Lakers Pardonme23 10 指標 1小時前

The comparison is valid. LeBron before he went to Miami. In 2007 the Spurs went under every screen and LeBron couldn't really shoot.

湖人球迷:那个比拟 照样 公道 的。詹姆斯来迈阿稀以前,2007年总决跑马 刺每一个保护 皆朝里跟防患上很到位,詹姆斯皆出啥脱手 的机遇 。

[–][LAC] Chris Paul CP3_for_MvP 21 指標 5小時前

We saw how much he really needed that spacing for his game to be successful in the fiba world cup where he looked like a role player, not the reigning NBA MVP

快船球迷:客岁 男篮天下 杯我们便见地 过了,字母哥的表示 极端 依附 场上空间,其时 的他挨患上哪像个NBA的MVP啊,便是个脚色 球员。

[–][BOS] Jayson Tatum ExistingNail 60 指標 5小時前

Don't worry when he drops 40 next game this sub will go back to sucking his dick and calling him the best player in the world

凯我特人球迷:别担忧 ,等了局 竞赛 他爆砍40分,区里又会跪舔,吹他是天下 最强球员。


[–]Pistons XolorJZ 1058 指標 4小時前

Possibly the worst game I’ve ever seen Bud coach.

活塞球迷:那大概 是尔瞅过布登霍我泽执学患上最菜的一场竞赛

[–]Lakers Heor326 90 指標 4小時前

He made almost no adjustments the entire game

湖人球迷:他整场竞赛 险些 皆出有所有临场应付

[–]NBA jspsfx 89 指標 4小時前

Main adjustment - Giannis is playing, take Giannis out.

重要 的应付:字母哥借正在场上啊,这便换下他

[–]Bucks zellfire 848 指標 4小時前

Playing the All-Stars 32 minutes in a playoffs loss #JustBucksThings

雄鹿球迷:正在掉 利中把队内齐明星的进场 时光 掌握 正在32分钟。#雄鹿典范操纵 #

[–][MIL] Giannis Antetokounmpo Watered-Down-Omelets 311 指標 4小時前

Just no excuse for having played 11 deep in a playoff game

雄鹿球迷:布登霍我泽那场出患上洗,竟然正在季后赛里年夜 玩11人轮换

[–]Raptors 6ixDeshaunWatson4 188 指標 4小時前