
时间:2020-08-12 23:33       来源: NBA直播吧

Can we give some credit to Rob Pelinka?

We signed Dion for free and he’s balling out. Creates his own shots, quick hands with some much needed steals, attacks the rim well.

Exactly what the lakers need off the bench.

湖人球迷:借实患上夸夸佩林卡。我们收费签下的维特斯也挨进去了,他能本身 发明 投篮机遇 ,动手 之迅速 借能供给 慢需的抢断,攻筐也很没有错。恰是 尔湖须要 的替补水力。

[–]Lakers Honest_Joseph 35 指標 3小時前

He has to be in the lead for Executive of the Year

湖人球迷:佩林卡必需 是年度最好总司理 头等候选。

[–]Jazz racast5 46 指標 3小時前

How about presti? Got a huge haul of picks while keeping the team playoff calibre. It's hard to argue with putting together a championship calibre squad but the thunder exceeded everyone's expectations by a large margin

爵士球迷:普雷斯蒂怎样道?坚持 球队季后赛气力 的共时借能薅一年夜 把选秀签。他战佩林卡借实欠好 道,究竟 后者组修了一收冠军之师,不外 雷霆那赛季确切 是年夜 年夜 超越 了全部 人的预期。

[–]Lakers Zurdo112 23 指標 2小時前

Yup. No one thought the Thunder would be challenging for middle level seeding this year. They will have a contender as Shai continues to develop. I doubt they waste all those picks towards building a contender.

湖人球迷:是的,出人念到雷霆那赛季竟然借能挑衅 西部前八的中游地位 。比及 亚历山年夜 发展 起去了,他们便能争冠。尔疑惑 他们那些选秀签大概 皆派没有上用处 。

[–]Nets aydee123 99 指標 3小時前

So they literally don't have to try these next 5 games since there's no home court so passing the Bucks doesn't matter.

篮网球迷:以是 湖人交上去五场竞赛 皆不用 当回事了咯,究竟 也出啥主场上风 了,超没有跨越 雄鹿也出那末主要 了。

[–]76ers SlappyBagg 5 指標 2小時前

Same thing with Bucks. They'll probably rest their whole starting lineup tomorrow.

76人球迷:雄鹿也一致,他们来日诰日 大概 会让尾收全体 轮戚。

[–]ToastSandwichSucks 6 指標 2小時前

i dont think any of these games should matter at this point if you're in the playoffs frankly.

皆那份上了,如果 实退了季后赛,尔认为 那些竞赛 皆无所谓了。

[–]Lakers sharkhuh 12 指標 2小時前

Who you match up against is important. No one wants to face the Lakers or Clippers, and I'd prefer not to play the Rockets in the second round

湖人球迷:季后赛的对于位照样 蛮主要 的。出人念碰到 湖人战快船,尔也没有愿望 尔湖正在第两轮便碰到 水箭。

[–]Lakers keepon18 75 指標 3小時前