湖人借实是自找贫苦 ,总爱好 正在场上搁二个年夜 身材,那没有便让带维斯战老詹一路 的场上作用力落到最高了嘛
[–]Gran Destino HydroThermia 49 指標 3小時前
Handicap or let the team think we’re handicapped
究竟是自找贫苦 呢?照样 有意 让其余球队认为 咱们有贫苦 呢?
[–]Lakers pl1589 86 指標 3小時前
The league ain't prepared for AD playing Center. I still trust that Vogel has been saving that move for the playoffs.
湖人球迷:同盟 借出预备 佳带维斯挨中锋呢。尔仍然深信,沃格我一向 皆念把那种挨法留到季后赛。
[–]NBA nomad80 68 指標 3小時前
AD @ 5, Bron-AD PnR, Bron turning it up a bit more in the playoffs
there's a lot of stuff that isnt happening now that's causing some people to think LAL cant hang with the Clips & Bucks.
带维斯挨5,他战老詹挨挡装,老詹到了季后赛便会表示 更多一面。
湖人如今 另有 很多多少 杀招出用呢,那才招致有些人认为 湖人搞不外 快船战雄鹿。
[–]Rockets vahnjay 166 指標 3小時前
I love how Lebron coasts the first three quarters while AD hard carries. Then Lebron goes off in the beginning of the 4th while AD rests. Pretty awesome formula
水箭球迷:前三节带维斯凯瑞的时刻 老詹划火,第四节初段带维斯歇息 的时刻 老詹又开端 腾飞 ,那种合作尔借蛮爱好 的。相称 锋利 的程式!
[–][OKC] Russell Westbrook jimpals 56 指標 2小時前
Just another one of Frank Vogel’s secrit plays.
雷霆球迷:那又是沃格我的机密 套路
[–]lakernation21 134 指標 3小時前
AD is the best tea妹妹ate lebron has ever had.
[–]shanmustafa 15 指標 3小時前
i’ll still take 2010-11 Wade. but AD is just a hair below
这尔照样 站10/11赛季的韦德,不外 带维斯战他只要头收丝女的差异
[–]Lakers Eduar103 23 指標 3小時前
Wade was a better player than AD, but AD is a better tea妹妹ate. The difference is how LeBron and AD compliment each other on the court.
湖人球迷:韦德是比带维斯更强的球员,不外 带维斯是个更佳的队友。差别 正在于詹姆斯战带维斯正在场上若何 互补。
[–]NBA proshai_livushka 87 指標 3小時前
2010-11 Dwyane Wade was an MVP level player.
10/11赛季的韦德但是 MVP级其余 哦。
[–]76ers SlappyBagg 28 指標 2小時前
Depending on AD's playoffs this season he could definitely take it over 2011 Wade.
76人球迷:那便瞅带维斯那赛季季后赛表示 咋样了,他尽对于有愿望 超出 11年的韦德。
[–]Lakers LovetheNBA23 25 指標 3小時前